Sarah Huckabee Sanders reiterates her complaint against terrorists at the border, refuted by the administration's own data, and Chris Wallace checks the facts in Fox News Sunday


White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Sunday reiterated a self-righteous assertion by herself and other Trump administration officials of the number of terrorists believed to be apprehended on the southern border, an assertion contradicted by the administration's own data on the subject. 19659002] Sanders appeared in "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace. He was asked about what Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said last week. Nielsen said that Customs and Border Protection "arrested more than 3,000 people called" foreigners of special interest "who were trying to enter the country on the southern border, foreigners whom the intelligence community has identified. is worrying. "

Wallace pointed out Strangers of particular interest are those who come from "countries that have ever produced a terrorist. They are not terrorists themselves. Wallace cited a State Department report stating that there was "no credible evidence" of terrorists crossing the border with Mexico.

Sanders responded by associating the issue of terrorism with the struggle for border security.

"We know that roughly 4,000 terrorists known or suspected of entering our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable entry point is at our southern border "said Sanders. In an appearance on "Fox and Friends" on Friday, Sanders falsely declared last year that there were "almost 4,000 known or suspected terrorists that CPB captured who crossed our southern border".

Wallace intervened on Sunday, saying that he had "studied statistics". "19659003]" Do you know where these 4,000 people came from [from] where they are captured? Airports, "said Wallace.

" I say that they come by air, by land and by sea, "Sanders replied." I do not disagree with you, they pass through the airports. "[19659007] Here is the video of Chris Wallace checking the facts, Sarah Sanders, on his false claim that terrorists cross the border with Mexico.

"According to the State Department, no terrorists been found on the southern border. "Via Fox.

– Kyle Griffin (@ kylegriffin1) January 6, 2019

According to statistics from the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security, 2,554 people at the FBI terrorist lists stopped trying to enter the United States in fiscal year 2017, the most recent year for which data are available, the majority – 2,170 – were trying to To enter by the airports and 49 were trying to get in by the sea.

According to the report, 335 people were trying to get in by land. The state department has declared in September to have no indication that terrorists would have attempted to enter the United States via Mexico.

"By the end of the year, there was no evidence credible evidence that international terrorist groups had established bases in Mexico, worked with such as Mexican drugs or sent agents via Mexico to the United States, "says the state department report. "Terrorist groups are probably looking for other ways to try to enter the United States."

The assertion that the southern border is vulnerable to terrorists has been reiterated by key Trump officials for months. Vice President Mike Pence told The Washington Post in October that the United States had apprehended more than 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists a day on the southern border in the last fiscal year.

conference on Friday.

"The border is a much more dangerous problem.It is a national security problem.It is a problem of terrorists," Mr. Trump said. "They find it's the easiest place to cross in. They come in and turn left, that will not happen."

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