Sasse's critics at Trump arouse the attention of his main opponent


Conservative senator Ben Sasse Benjamin (Ben) Eric SasseSenate Dems block the measure Sasse intended to respond to the Virginia bill Virginia Virginia's abortion bill revives the national debate Approving Trump is not the easiest decision for some Republicans PLUS ] (R-Neb.), Frequent criticism of President Trump Donald John TrumpTrump will appoint a senior Treasury official , Malpass, at the head of the World Bank: the GOP Senate warns Trump against the use of national emergencies for the construction of a border wall to the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg music production in first public appearance since the MORE surgery which said it could not support it during the 2016 cycle, is likely to become a major challenge in 2020, according to GOP sources.

A Republican official from Nebraska told The Hill that some Republicans wanted to run for the seat of Sasse, while a senior Republican advisor had predicted that Sasse would be a major challenge.

Sasse has not yet officially announced when he is running for reelection. The senator plans to talk with his wife, Melissa, this summer to find out if he will run for a second term.

But the senator's office avoids the possibility of challenging it.

James Wegmann, spokesman for Sasse, "Anyone who is stupid enough to stand against his boss" would face two saws to cut.

"First, he is one of the most conservative members of the Senate and Ronald Reagan could not put himself on his right. Secondly, it is a fundraising machine and it has just redoubled its efforts, "said Wegmann. "Presidential primary speculation is an Acela Corridor game played by experts for experts. Ben does not pay attention to these nonsense.

Sasse has a decidedly conservative voting record and says he could raise $ 6 million for his reelection. He said he had $ 1.4 million on his campaign account at the end of December.

The National Republican Committee of Senators (NRSC) also says it will defend Sasse from any challenge.

"It is the policy of the NRSC that we defend every member of our caucus – that it is a main task. or general election – by any means necessary, "said Kevin McLaughlin, executive director of NRSC. "That there is no ambiguity – Senator Sasse has the unwavering support of the NRSC, and we will not hesitate to do it."

Sasse had obtained a 43% approval rate and a 34% disapproval rate in Nebraska, according to a Morning Consult survey conducted from July 1st to September 25th. Sen.. Deb Fischer Debra (Deb) Strobel FischerTrump The Government is ready to suspend the Russian arms limitation pact The number of letters of presence is growing to the democratic majority Ernst is elected to the Senate Senate MORE (R-Neb.), Who easily managed to be re-elected in 2018, had a split between approval and disapproval of 42% to 39% in the same survey.

These are important benefits. But they could be countered if Trump, who has a lock on the GOP base, decides to step into Nebraska's primary in 2020.

Trump has compiled an impressive number of GOP primers' signatures in 2018. According to a report by ABC News, 49 of the 51 Republicans he endorsed in the primaries were victorious.

Two former GOP Senators who frequently clashed with Trump Jeff Flake Jeffrey FlakeCasio-Cortez Lane bringing the woman who faced Flake in a lift in the state of the Union Tim Scott: Opposition to Trump's Justice Candidacy Remains Unchanged Despite Conservative Critics Public Opinion Analyst Says Centrist The GOP's main challenge would not last long against Trump MORE Arizona and Bob Corker Robert (Bob) Phillips CorkerRNC voted to give Trump "unwavering support" by 2020 Senator Risch has a unique chance to guide Trump on foreign policy The memo : Romney 's movements raise concern in Trump World MORE of Tennessee, he was not re – elected last year.

"It should not be surprising that he exercises such power Ford O'Connell, a Republican strategist, said about Trump. "He's close to the Republican base. If he wants to take it to Sasse, he has the opportunity to do it.

Sasse encouraged some backstage to rush to his seat by publicly asking himself whether he would be reelected or would remain a member. of the GOP.

He stated in September that he was planning to leave the Republican Party every day and had told CNN's Jake Tapper that he considered himself "an independent conservative caucus with Republicans", but that he He did not think that one of the main parties vision for the country's future. "

A leading challenger, however, remains to come. Nebraska's political observers believe it is unlikely that Republican state governor Pete Ricketts, re-elected in November, will decide to run for the Senate mid-term.

John Hibbing, professor of political science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said: "Sasse might well face a main opponent."

But he warned that "apart from his criticism Trump and his particular detachment abolished the ObamaCare debate "he" did not leave much space to his right "so that an insurgent could exploit it.

Trump is very popular in Nebraska, unlike Utah, home of the other Senate critic, Trump, newly elected, Sen Mitt Romney Mitt Willard (Mitt) RomneySenate GOP puts Trump in guard against the use of national emergencies as a wall of border protection.Trump's approval is not the simplest decision for some Republicans Night health care, presented by Kidney Care Partners – Officials Trump take further measures lowering drug prices | Romn ey warns drug officials | The plan "Medicare for all" opens the MORE division (R).

Trump won Nebraska with 58.7% of the vote against the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonLobbyist received half a million in Russia related deposits at the 2016 Trump Tower meeting: report on the situation of the Union in which Bernie Sanders will answer: Hillicon Valley: Democrats rush on the fight of Trump with the leaders of the information industry | FBI recruits new counterintelligence chief | T-Mobile and Sprint Support Former FCC Representative to Sell Their Merger | Bill Demans Automated Calls | The family sues about the fatality caused by Uber MORE's self-driving . Ted Cruz Rafael (Ted) Edward CruzTrump will appoint a senior Treasury official, Malpass, to head the World Bank: a survey reveals that 43% of Republicans want a primary. the opponent for Trump Trump will give the state of union to the sea of ​​his opponents MORE (R-Texas), with 61.4% to 18.4%

[19659006] The President however would not be able to attack Sasse as a conservative or a conservative squishy. a republican in name only.

The US Conservative Union (ACU) ranked Sasse in 2017 as the second most conservative senator in the Senate after the Senate. Rand Paul Randal (Rand) Howard PaulThis week: Trump presents the state of the Union in the middle of a fight at the wall Trump will give his state of Union to the sea ​​of ​​his opponents Defense of night – Presented by Raytheon – Senate reprimands Trump on Syria | Trump says "time will prove it" in the eyes of Intel chiefs | Democrats demand transparency of border troops | Sexual Assault and Outburst Harassment in Military Academies MORE (R-Ky.), Distinction that he shared with uncompromising conservatives such as Cruz and Mike Lee Michael (Mike) Shumway LeeThis Week: Trump Delivers the State of the Union's Night Defense – The Union Between the Walls – Presented by Raytheon – The Senate Reprimands Trump Against Syria | Trump says "time will prove it" in the eyes of Intel chiefs | Democrats demand transparency of border troops | Sexual Assault and Soaring Harassment in Military Academies Night Energy: States Urge Trump to Fight Pollution | EPA puts climate skepticism on scientific advice | The Senate votes on the MORE bill (R-Utah). The three had an ACU score of 96 that year.

Sasse is also a vocal opponent of abortion. He tried to force a vote on Monday on the law protecting the survivors of the abortion, which would protect newborns who survive the abortion.

In an interview with Tapper in October, he stated that Trump's "amoralist" rhetoric was "not acceptable". Later in the month, he criticized the president for calling a woman "Horseface," saying that "it's not how men act." 19659006] On the political front, Sasse broke Trump's decisions on trade and foreign policy.

Last month, he described Trump's decision to withdraw Syrian troops as "weak", saying that many American allies would be slaughtered.

In November, he described reluctance to hold Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. responsible for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi despite the findings of the CIA "very weak".

Sasse also played a leading role in the attempt to obstruct Trump's bid path in 2016, warning in an open letter to his supporters published in In February of this year, "the attention Trump's incessant is to divide Americans' and 'demolish rather than rebuild this glorious nation'.

Asked Thursday by The Hill on Trump's approval for his reelection in 2020, Sasse refused to answer.

In contrast, other Republicans who broke up with Trump in 2016, such as Sens. Rob Portman Robert (Rob) Jones Portman, Trump thanks Gardner, Portman, for his "early and warm" support in 2020 Gardner, Portman sleeps Trump for 2020 How to make the government work when legislators fail to do their job. MORE (Ohio) and Cory Gardner Cory Scott GardnerCalculating the last five reports on fundraising in the run-up to 2020 Trump thanks Gardner, Portman for an "early and warm" endorsement of 2020 L & # Trump's approval is not the simplest decision for some Republicans MORE (Colo.), Have recently announced that they would approve the re-election of the president.

Portman and Gardner canceled their membership in Trump in October 2016 after the release of a band of him making inappropriate comments about women while shooting an episode of "Access Hollywood ".

It has been said that Sasse could run for president against Trump. From time to time, although Hibbing, of the University of Nebraska, has downplayed this scenario as unlikely.

"He could decide not to run for anything, or run for president, but for the moment, I'm skeptical. that one or the other of these possibilities will materialize (unless the Trump Presidency collapses completely), "he said in an email.

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