Scandalous North Stream 2: Berlin is ready to talk in the United States


German Minister of Economy, Peter Altmayer, said that Germany wanted to take a step forward towards the United States in the context of North Stream-2. Berlin will be ready to increase gas imports from the United States

Handelsblatt reports

Read also: What part of North Stream 2 has already been built: declaration of Russia

The German minister said that "Russia was a reliable partner" But liquefied natural gas from the United States could become an alternative.

The country is interested in a debate on Germany's security of supply, Altmayer said. Despite the fact that Russia is a reliable partner in the supply of gas, LNG could be an alternative as demand increases. As a result, he invited US LNG exporters to an investor conference in February

. Channel 24 wrote that the US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, had sent letters to German companies, threatening to punish Washington for supporting the construction of the gas pipeline "

Instead, the German minister of Economie replied that he "would keep it."

"The question is whether it is possible to trust investments in Germany," he added.

By the way, recently, Peter Altmeier has stated that your country has no legal reason to intervene in the construction of the North Stream-2 and asked that its construction not be disturbed.

What is the "Nord Stream"? This is a gas pipeline project connecting Russia to Germany that wants to go through the Baltic Sea bypassing Ukraine. Germany, Finland and Sweden issued all permits for the construction and operation of the North Stre Pipeline am 2. Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, the United States and Denmark opposed the construction of the gas pipeline. The emergence of this pipeline will increase the EU's dependence on Russia's Gazprom, which already supplies about one-third of its gas to the EU. After the launch of North Stream 2, Ukraine will lose not only the revenue of blue fuel transit, but also the lever of geopolitical influence.

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