Scandalous "Oscar": Briton asks to withdraw movie of nomination for murder of son – Glamor


The woman pointed out that she had not given permission to the director to tell the story of his family at the movies.

Around this year's Oscars ceremony, which left a presenter without presenter for the first time in 30 years another scandal is being prepared.

Denis Fergus, a resident of Liverpool, objected to Vincent Lemb's film "Detention", about the murder of his two-year-old son. A statement by Fergus was published on on his Twitter page.

"I can not express the disgust and sadness I feel because this so-called film is nominated for an Oscar." One thing is to film, not after consulting James 'family without asking permission, and another – to recall the last hours of James' life before the brutal murder and to force me and my family to survive. new, "- said in a statement.

The woman pointed out that no gave permission to director Vincent Lamb to take the film and also applied to the Academy of Arts and Crafts remove the image of an application According to the text of the petition, 90,000 people have registered, but "Detention" remains on the list.

Remember that Fergus previously accused Lemba Having tried to make a career on his hill.After a wave of criticism, the director apologized to the family, recognizing that he had to consult his boyfriend before shooting, reports Daily Mirror.

He stated that his main purpose was to try to understand how the two boys could have committed such a crime. According to him, it is necessary to understand the reasons, because something like this can happen again.

The short film "Detention" was shot by Irish director Vincent Lamb in 2018. The 30-minute film tells how, in 1993, Robert Thompson and John Venables, aged 10, killed his son Denis Fergus James Ballger, two years old. The same year, they were sentenced to eight years in prison. As the BBC notes, Thompson and Venables are the youngest criminals ever to be sentenced in the United Kingdom for murder.

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