Science – Nobody canceled the end of the world: the second Nibiru was born in space


The experts of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan recorded the birth of a new planet.

As FATE TRUTH reports, the Chronicle states that previously, such planetary germs in the solar system were not detected.

The radius of the object is 1.3 km. These celestial bodies are an intermediate link between dust and ice and complete planets.

The Uphols, who have more than once announced the death of the blue planet ( for example, in 2018, the planet Nibiru had to push the Earth out of its orbit, but apparently something went wrong turned … ), already nicknamed the celestial body "Nibiru-2".

The object is located in the region beyond the orbit of Neptune, Pluto is in the vicinity, in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. The discovery of a new planet has confirmed the version that there is at an early stage a skeleton of the future celestial body that is gradually transformed into a complete planet.

Previously, NASA's Assistant Director of Scientific Communications, Michelle Thaler, expressed the main sign of the apocalypse. She also commented on the deadly collision of Earth with the asteroid / planet.

A few years later, scientists will conduct an experiment to show if it is possible to reduce the risk of collision of asteroids with the Earth by kinetic shock.

OSIRIS-Réx Probe from the US Space Agency NASA has transmitted to the Earth new images of the surface of the asteroid Benn, created from a disk near the surface of the celestial body

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