Astronomers were able to detect the source of the ultra-high neutrinos that were recorded by the IceCube observatory several years ago. According to N + 1, gamma ray observations and archival data analysis concluded that the source of high energy particles was the blazar, the active nucleus of the galaxy, whose light remained on Earth for several billion years
. the result signifies a new stage in the development of multichannel astronomy and confirms the idea that blacksmiths are sources of high energy cosmic rays. According to scientists, high – energy neutrinos originate from the disintegration of mesons formed in or near space accelerators when cosmic rays interact with atomic nuclei and photons. Since neutrinos are very light, have no charge and interact with matter only at very small subatomic distances, scientists can determine, from the energy spectrum recorded particles and in their direction of arrival, what processes occur in this or that astrophysical object
Astronomers were aware of the existence of two well-identified sources of astrophysical neutrinos: the Sun and the supernova 1987A, which broke out in the Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy neighboring with us. However, the neutrinos recorded by them have an energy millions of times lower than the observed high-energy neutrino flux flux, and the nature of the mechanisms of generation of high-energy cosmic neutrinos and search of their sources remains open.
IceCube recorded an IceCube-170922A event, which was a "trace" of muon formed during the interaction of high-energy neutrinos with ice. And a week later, the team at the Fermi Observatory reported that a certain direction of arrival of neutrinos recorded with an average energy of 290 TEV corresponded to a known source of gamma rays in a state of high activity.
Source of the galaxy TXS 0506 + 056 not far from the left shoulder of the constellation Orion. The light of the source has reached Earth four billion years ago. In the future, gamma radiation from this source has been confirmed by ground-based telescopes, observations that have confirmed the increased activity of the source at all wavelengths.
In 2016 the LIGO detectors set a gravitational wave signal . They were generated by a pair of fused black holes, whose masses were 29 and 36 times higher than the Sun, at a distance of 1.3 billion light-years from Earth. For a fraction of a second, about three solar masses transformed into gravitational waves whose maximum radiation power was about 50 times greater than that of any visible universe.
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