Scientists found the object farthest from the solar system


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It turned out that this year's Goblin Pygmy Planet has not yet been discovered in our world.

<img alt = "JPL-CALTECH / NASA" src = " JPL-CALTECH / NASA

A group of astronomers has discovered the farthest object of the solar system, so far able to observe.It is 2018 VG18 and is located at a distance of 120 astronomical units from the Sun.

This is written by The Guardian, explaining that a astronomical unit is equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, then It is thought that the object farthest from the solar system was the dwarf planet Erid, with a distance of 96 astronomical units.

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The new "edge of the world" was discovered by scientists Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution, David Tholen of the University of Hawaii and Chad Truhillo of the University of Northern Arizona. this year confirmed the existence of another dwarf planet within our system called the goblin. His discovery was interesting because the scientists noticed some deviation from his orbit. This is probably due to the gravitation of a still unknown and large planet that revolves around the Sun. However, the astronomers of Faraut have not noticed anything like it.

"We can now say with certainty that the VG18 2018 is an object far removed from the Sun.We can also name its approximate diameter and color.Since the object is very far, its orbiting is very slow It is likely to make a revolution around the Sun for 1000 years ", – said Tolen.

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Scientists found that Pharaoh's diameter was about 500 kilometers in diameter. The object is likely to have a spherical shape. And its pink hue may indicate that its surface is covered with ice.

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