Scientists have named planets that are better suited to life than Earth


Scientists believe supernumeraries can become first colonies of people


Scientists believe They say so-called superplants can become the first place where settlements of people will be located, since they are more adapted to life than the Earth, according to Business Insider .

Researchers still collect data on a supernumerary. their water and their solid surface are already a starting point. One of these planets can have a radius of 10 times that of the Earth, and its mass can exceed 10 times the weight of our planet, making it an ideal home

A planet with a larger mass is a gravitational field more powerful. more molecules and form a thicker atmosphere. Thanks to this protection against cosmic radiation will be better.

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Also, the superplanet may be flatter . According to scientists, such a situation may lead to the fact that it will be crushed in dozens of islands.

The only problem is that a planet with such a strong gravity will not be easy to leave because it will take a lot more fuel to launch the spacecraft. By the way, the company Blue Origin said that people will begin the colonization of the moon in 2023 .

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