Scientists told us we were waiting after death


Scientists have discovered an interesting discovery that people have been waiting for for life. A professor from the University of North Carolina, Robert Lants, said that after death, people would fall into a parallel space and have a chance to get up, reports Lisovasotnya.

However, the sphere of the other is still very mysterious and little studied.

The scientist compared human life to a plant that eventually flourishes. His theory of Lants has been proven by the theory of biocentrism.

Recently, staff at the University of California stated that the existence of parallel worlds was guaranteed. And they are very tangent to the real world.

In some of them, the Earth inhabits dinosaurs and, in some places, England has not colonized America. It should be noted that such findings have allowed scientists to study microparticles that can exist simultaneously in two states and, therefore, be at two locations simultaneously.

A little earlier, British actor Shiv Grival, who had just finished his preparations for the play "Shake Out a Nothing of Nothing", survived 7 minutes after death. The 60-year-old actor fell ill during a trip to a restaurant. The doctors managed to revive Hryva, but, according to him, the experience lived during these minutes changed his life.

"I realized that my brain was dying and begging for help, but at the same time I felt that consciousness, separated from my body, as if I was shaking in the air. eternity, but that I could still feel emotions " – explained Grival's feeling.

Later, he was taken to the hospital and jailed for a month to undergo an operation. The events could only affect the health of the actor: he exhibited symptoms of epilepsy, language defects and small mobility difficulties. Most likely he will not return to the theatrical career.

In Egypt, a group of archaeologists from the University of Ayn Shams managed to find in the suburbs of Cairo – El Matariyah – a ceremonial hall under the reign of the famous Pharaoh Ramses II .

As before. "Know. Ua" reported that researchers from the University of Texas as well as from the Early American Studies Center at Buttermilk Creek in Texas had discovered the oldest working instruments.

Znaya.ia also wrote that these once-living structures and cities have turned into depressing places. from which blood is ho Abraham in his veins.

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