Serbia has decided to completely abandon the natural fur – the world


The abandonment of fur is not only ethical but also environmental.

In Serbia, the ban on raising and killing animals intended for fur production entered into force in Serbia. This is reported by the Bosnian edition Klix

It is noted that the ban was approved in 2009, but its entry into force has been postponed to 10 years so that the people involved in this activity can prepare their business.

Reasons for the cancellation of the permit for breeding and killing of animals for fur production is not only ethical, but also ecological. "A lot of the dangerous chemicals used in this area are constantly polluting the environment," say activists who have called for a ban.

It is well known that the ban on fur farms has been approved in the United Kingdom, Austria, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina , the Netherlands and Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and other countries. Relevant bills.

Recall that in 2018, at the fashion week of London the first furs totally abandoned . The decision was made after the investigation, which involved the designers. Previously, the fashion house Versace had also renounced fur in order not to kill animals for fashion reasons.

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