Sexuality Forgets: Ani Lorak Surprise in a New Way (photo) – The News of Society


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In the photo, the artist appeared with a bright make-up and a dress that highlighted his silhouette.

  Lorak likes to be surprised by the choice of his outfits /

Lorek likes to be surprised by the choice of outfits / / anilorak /

Read also Vira Brezhnev was looking naked in the bath (photo)

The artist posted On Instagram-Stories photo, where she appeared wearing a black dress in a bucket with open shoulders.

Note that such sex artists are not uncommon. But it's amazing that the dress is not endowed with a deep neckline that always chooses Ani Lorak "src =" /1548841787-6837.PNG?0.9410698469945473 "title =" "/> 

<p> </p>
<p>  Earlier, UNIAN reported that Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who lives in Russia, spent holidays in Miami with Russian singer Sergei Lazarev </p>
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