Shadow Manaforth: scandalous US affair, it can affect politics in Ukraine


The main candidates for a presidential post in Ukraine are trying to get support from the United States

On December 12, 2018, the website of the Kyiv District Administrative Court appeared in a statement in which he declared :

… Having considered, in essence, the administrative record concerning the people's trial. Deputy of Borislav Rosenblatt to the director of NABU Artem Sitnik … by court decision of 11 December 2018 … the request is partially accepted.
In particular, the court finds illegal actions of the director of NABU Sitnik regarding the disclosure and dissemination of information about US citizen Paul Manaforth head of the American trilogy Donald Trump Chief US of the office (at the time of the wrongful acts) for the presence of family names and signatures of Paul Manaforth in the lists of "stories tracked down in black from the Party of Regions" in the pre-trial investigation resulting of interference in electoral processes The United States of America in 2016 have harmed the interests of the Ukrainian state

The importance of this document should be considered in the context from a short chronology of events.

Political and Economic Support of Ukraine After the Revolution Dignity was part of US foreign policy, which Barack Obama implemented at that time. It is she, in general, that US Vice President Joe Biden, in particular, has stressed the need to defeat corruption, a precondition for the prosperity of a country. The control exercised over the activities of the body called to direct this struggle of course left them out.

The operation of NABU, from the moment of its creation to the present day, is considered essential for the end of the cooperation with US representatives in Ukraine and conditional "groups of support "(about NGOs, LOMs). Joint operations with US federal services, training, financial and material assistance are all individual manifestations of the dynamics of the generalization of the aforementioned concept.

However, "cooperation with US officials" is a judgment that is not very personalized, After all, we understand that at least one group of political forces in the United States can be divided into "Republicans" and "democrats".

The timing of NABU's creation depends on President Obama, who was and remains the representative of the American Democratic Party. I remind you that the appointment of Artem Sitnik as director of NABU took place on April 16, 2015.

For a year and a half, elections were held on November 8, 2016 and January 20, 2017 – the solemn acceptance of the oath of the President of the United States by the Republican Party Donald Trump who won the Democratic Party candidate. Because of Trump's personal qualities, for many, this became a surprise and it was not worth it, a surprise for both our politics and international politics.

Even before the vote and oath, on August 23, 2016, the United States Embassy in Ukraine was at its head (continues to occupy the post Mari Jovanovich so, the Obama administration assured the risks of impossibility to change policy towards Ukraine, at least in our country, despite the results of the elections in the states themselves, the less for a certain period For the negative result for the Democrats, the newly elected president would have been "embarrassing" to institute a change of ambassador, because even then "rumors" about heat and relations " reciprocal "between Trump and Putin, clandestine agreements with Ukraine, etc.

Mari Jovanovich, US Ambassador to Ukraine / Photo of the leader

However, since July 2017, a new institute has appeared in Ukraine's business with regard to the settlement of the conf Russian-Ukrainian bed, Kurt Volcker was named "guardian" . However, over time, he is now able to comment on the US position and financial situation, in terms of cooperation with the IMF and reform of the law enforcement and judicial systems. It is more related to the fact that in the part of direct authority to him, due to lack of communication and the constructive position of the Kremlin, there is nothing to say.

Returning to the decision of the administrative court, it is interesting to quote Victor Trepak (comment of the publication). Gordon):

… since the transfer of the "black accounts of the Party of Regions" documents to NABU on May 27, 2016, I have never publicly named the family name in these documents. I left (and repeated many times) that the disclosure of data of such criminal proceedings before the adoption of legally significant decisions (announcement of suspicion, sending a prosecutor to court, etc.) is inadmissible from the point of view of the interests of justice.

Awareness of the general SBU the political consequences of such actions, as for oneself in person, to justice (reputation) and to the country as a whole have at one point not found an answer from from their colleagues. So, in fact, two and a half months before the "X moment" of the history of the US presidential election, they decide that it is appropriate to publish separate pages of the "book" banners of the Party of Regions ". It seems rather unpredictable that these documents include the name of Manaforth, who at the time was at the head of the electoral headquarters of the Trump candidate, that Manaforth, which should presently constitute a real verdict for American women after a series of crimes found during a survey on the interference of Russia in the US election. 19659004] For the sake of justice, it should be noted that besides the case of Okhendovsky, which has yet to come to nothing, in the elements of the "book of the barn", there is nothing more that would have a more or less understandable form – not born ("arrows", in style, "take over Alu GPU and buried" also have their place in the controversy, but also NABU for more than a year, especially in the successes unsuccessful. "

Donald Trump and Paul Manaforth
[19659004] Okhendovsky and Manaforth The extent of the consequences for these two people is at least indicative: the first is at liberty in Ukraine the second is a prisoner in the United States, which in turn testifies to why there was a "book", why these people made it public and who was the main target in this time. (I will remind you that in the United States, reputation and responsibility political, unlike Ukraine, are not empty sounds, so Nasirov, whose reputation has been undermined, would not return). The publication of the NABU documents took place on August 18, 2016.

Referring to the consequences of the decision of the administrative court, Victor Trepak said: "This decision, if it is not changed by the courts of higher authorities, can be seriously taken into account.In addition, this decision can again be used for international political purposes – as a sign of the administration of the US President that the political leaders of Ukraine can correct the situation that was the cause Yen during the US presidential campaign with the apparent appearance of information on the presence of Paul Manaforth's surname in documents of the "black book of the PR" .It is possible to assume that this court decision was desirable for Bankova and that it appeared at a very opportune moment – when the main applicants the presidential office in Ukrai is trying to get support from the US administration. "

The above thesis can be divided into two possible variants of consequences, depending on the evolution of the situation, but again, with an attachment to the causes and motives of the act.

The first option, based on the fact that the initiator of the application is a BPP MP, Mr. Rosenblatt, in which case, no explanation is necessary.After all, I remind you that , according to media reports, the Attorney General of Ukraine opened on August 1, 2017 a criminal investigation into the interference of some officials of NABA in the election of the President of the United States in 2016, for criminal offense under Part 2, Article 387 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which at the time reads as follows:

Disclosure of data relating to operations and investigations, preliminary investigation, perpetrated by a judge, a prosecutor, an investigator, an employee of the body of detection and setting up, that this person be directly involved in the prosecution operation, preliminary inquiry, if the data disclosed defame a person, humiliate his honor and dignity.

Such actions, as revised by the Code, at the time criminal proceedings were instituted, were punishable by a fine of 100 to 300 non-taxable. the minimum income of citizens or penitentiary work for a period of up to two years, or an arrest of up to six months, depriving the right to To hold certain positions or to perform certain activities for a period of up to three years "(the decision was amended in November 2017, but the subject of the crime

Thus, the decision of the court establishes the legal fact of the disclosure and dissemination of information about the citizen of Manaforth by the head of NABU Artem Sitnik, as well as the necessary consequences for the offense provided for in Part 2 of Article 387 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in the form "the humiliation of the honor or dignity of Manaforth" may be formed on the basis of the remedies of his lawyers, who corroborate them with eloquent epithets

Artem Sitnik / Ph oto UP

In case of political will, as well as of legal positionality, I do not think that the consequences for Sitnik could be limited to the taking into account of the decision of the court during the audit ( it will be all the more the second decision concerning the Rosenblatt trial, according to which the court recognizes the illegal actions of NABU, in addition to the fact that it feeds the verification is delayed for an indefinite period.)

Variant very likely development in which a criminal proceeding, registered by the GPU, will become not real, but personified. The use of this status depends on Sitnik himself – a number of his "clients" with the status of suspects of public politicians are, for example, as presidential candidates . However, now that's a little part of its history, it does not have a sufficient level of recognition or support from internal or external elites for today.

On the other hand, if the position of the United States of America was hard and as clear as in 2015-2016, when under the pressure of Biden, the Attorney General of "naked son" resigned, such court decisions would not be discussed today. And in the current situation, this indicates the following: those who were previously under the "patronage of the Embassy" no longer fully protect this protection.

In addition, we can very probably say that the degree of completeness of the possibilities of these "treads" is reduced. Given this, it is highly likely that personnel changes will occur within the US Diplomatic Department in Ukraine on the eve of the presidential and legislative elections, as these electoral processes could lead to a change in the country's leadership, its legislative bodies and executive, which would remove the issue of the agenda. on Trump's obligations, which he inherited from Democrats.

In such a situation, the second option mentioned by Mr. Trepak in the quotation above should be analyzed:

Presumably this judgment was desirable. for Bankova and this seemed very timely – when key presidential candidates in Ukraine are trying to get support from the US administration.

However, it is already useful to analyze the internal political movements of the leaders of the election preferences of Ukrainians. Regarding Petro Poroshenko the situation is positive or negative, the democratic wing of the US establishment remains loyal to him, including the one who called Viktor Shokin of " ex-boyfriend, "considered one of the potential opponents of Trump for a place in the white

With regard to today's US President, it seems that the coal supply, the locomotives or expanded cooperation in the field of nuclear energy have not contributed to the warming of relations. Observing how Trump (in his opinion, so precisely) is using historic decisions as well as questions from North Korea, Iran, China, Canada, Mexico, Syria and more presumably from Afghanistan, what he inherited from Obama and that does not have "victories", it is Ukraine that reminds everyone of the interference from Russia in the elections that led to the post.

Yulia Tymoshenko The political opponent of Pyotr Alekseyevich and leader of Ukrainian election preferences went to the United States not long ago, where he had a meeting at different levels of the Washington Hills, including Special Representative Kurt Volcker. However, US officials, in the best traditions of "apparent democracy", keep a cold silence, without giving any reason to express their affection.

Yulia Tymoshenko and Kurt Volker [19659000] In another branch of opposition, given the "divorce" and sanctions imposed by Russia, there is a struggle for the mark of the "single candidate" or the mark of the "United Center of Southeast Opposition". In addition, the training – the opposition bloc and the opposition platform "For Life" – can hardly be described as led by those who are guided by the United States. In reality, this would run counter to their position, which is rather that of cordiality in the Russian Federation, which, from a formal point of view, in view of the sanctions, Yuriy Boyko . Nevertheless, despite the lack of an American position, this wing has a chance to increase its presence in parliament and, consequently, it will no longer be able to count on it in the United States.

After the last (and even the first) public declaration of intent Volodymyr Zelensky for his participation in the two election campaigns, his position may be quoted with the quote: "I do not ask for anything. as long as I'm not invited. " This is indicated in the context of NATO and the EU and, therefore, its strategic objective, again, on the basis of the foregoing, is to intensify the group of 39, traditionally passive voters using the idea of ​​a strong Ukraine, which should become a value for Ukrainians rather than directing them to geopolitical centers. . In this context, it is at least unwise to try to obtain support or adaptation of communications in the United States or the Russian Federation from the point of view of the electoral strategy.

Anatoly Gritsenko is another leader of Ukrainian preferences – Anatoly Gritsenko . To a certain extent, his thesis of building a strong Ukraine with a management system locked in the president, and not in the first, resonates widely with Zelensky's theses. But their unification at the electoral stage is eliminated because they have completely different electoral groups, quite different strategies, especially since Anatoliy Stepanovich is now focusing on building a conditional coalition political forces and leaders recognizable around him. Those who do not currently enjoy sufficient support, because the intention to create an enlarged union has come at least from the ambitions of some of its potential participants and the weakness of others.

Currently, in the clip of Hrytsenko, there is already Chumak, Tomenko, Firsov. , which is generally good, and the kit continues. However, as in the case of the other candidates for the scoring (with the exception of Tymoshenko, who enjoys a strong personal recognition and the most ramified party network of Batkivshchyna among all its competitors), the seat Gritsenko's election is now focused on the "internal market" as it is necessary to catch up. competitors to go to the second round. At this stage, his contacts with the United States are also not high on the agenda.

Thus, if we consider the combination of factors, the subjective composition of the individuals who actually claim to define Ukraine's policy over the past five years differs from the one he now directs. Under such conditions, given all the unpleasant stories of Trump and Ukraine, perhaps before March 2019, a change of officials responsible for Ukraine could take place . Volker was not satisfied with his own results, but with him a staff replacement, although premature, but concerning the chief of the Embassy in Ukraine, is quite likely.

Another person will be for Trump "his son", he will have no previous obligation "and the history of relations with Democrats and our new and new elites who, at least in the future, will form the majority in Parliament, following the government, and will occupy the maximum, as everyone seems, a key position in the country.

A trip to the near past justifies that in espublikantsiv today define the foreign policy of the United States, there is reason to doubt the commitment "bayonet" predecessors collected.Of course, will not formally declare support for a candidate or a party state in particular, because it is by chance that the hour of weight can be confused in one way or another.Againly, NABA appeared to have accidentally divulged public information about Manaforth, she was propagated accidentally so much by Democrats in the United States.

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