Silver Lady Gaga and Jay Pebble Lot: The Grammy-2019 Dresses Hit the Stars – Glamor


Katty Perry surprises her with a pink skirt and Miley Cyrus chooses a costume

An annual ceremony of the Grammy-2019 Music Prize is held in the United States .

This vivid event is a pretext for representatives of the entertainment industry to walk the new dresses. And some of the singers who played during the show even showed some dresses in one evening.

Many selebras chose white and silver dresses. So, Lady Gaga and British singer Dua Lipa, who received the Gold Gramophone in the nomination "The Best New Performer", continued in the brilliant red dressing

Jennifer Lopez arrived at the ceremony in a long white dress buried in brilliant stones

  Grammy 2019, Grammy, Ketty Perry

Associated Press
Katty Perry

And Katty Perry hit a strange pink dress with a barrel skirt.

In turn, Milev Cyrus and Kyle Jenner, who accompanied his boyfriend, rapper Travis Scott, chose their pants.

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