Slaughter in School – A Belarusian schoolboy organized a massacre at a school near Minsk, died, UNIAN


This material is available in Russian

10:09, February 11, 2019



Preliminary data suggests that a 15-year-old striker would be a Grade 10 student.

  A Belarusian schoolboy killed a teacher and a child / sTu.BY

In a Belarusian school, a teenager killed a teacher and a child / TUT.BY

In the city of Stolbits, in the region from Minsk with a knife, attacking a teacher and children from school No. 2. The teacher and the child died from injuries received.

TUT.BY reported these facts by referring to sources.

Also read In Prikarpattya, a man was shot from a radio station and wounded a policeman

It is reported that the attack had occurred around eight o'clock in the morning.

Police told reporters that the school student had inflicted a knife wound on the teacher and three students

"The teacher and the teacher. one of the teenagers died as a result of the injury, two other miners were quickly delivered to the doctor "- said the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Yevhen Sachek.

After the attack, the murderer escaped, in the six districts of the Minsk region, a plan "Siren" was presented. At 10:14, the Ministry of the Interior announced that the teenager had been arrested.

"On the morning of February 11, the police reported to a senior student during a sudden conflict, wounding the professor and several students with the knife. one student died and two more students are hospitalized USC in the Minsk region opened a criminal investigation into the killing of two people ", – told the press service of Belarusian Belarus.

According to preliminary data, a 15-year-old forward is a 10th-ranked student. Before the attack, he had deleted his page on social networks.

As UNIAN reports, on October 17, the student of the Polytechnic College of Kerch, Vladislav Roslyakov, opened fire and organized an explosion in a teaching establishment, after which he went to school. is committed suicide. As a result of the accident, 21 people died and about 50 were hospitalized.

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