Sobchak and Vitorgan: the actor dissatisfied with the divorce with Ksenia – Russian news


The artist, TV presenter and Russian journalist Ksenia Sokchak, Maxim Vitorgan, commented rigorously on the rumors of their divorce.

Earlier in the first channel, Sobchak replied abstentionally to the question of whether to wait for official announcements regarding divorce in the near future. According to Vittorgan, his parents and friends are now massively invited to dubious talk shows to discuss their private lives with Kseniya. In his Instagram account, he wrote that he was tired of watching the media.

"Here, as far as I know, several programs are being prepared (both by Malakhov and others), on different channels, I know it from my friends who have rang all week, some even offered money for participation and even some editors phoned me to lure programs or write a comment on the portrait, – wrote Vittorgan, adding that he considers the participation in such programs "from word of mouth

  Sobchak and Vittorgan

Sobchak and Vittorgan


" Walk on this kind of program as a guest or hero and talk about someone 39 or one of me about someone else, I think I do not condemn anyone: it is sometimes necessary to force or demand from the TV that it does not matter. there is no force.It is the choice of everyone, " – said Maxim

. He also pointed out that his relatives are not from "are in similar programs because publicly discussing the personal life of someone is weak."

"Before normal people want to present again excuses forced to turn to the subject. Me too, I'm all podz ** ball as you can guess. But this info-drive of life is still a week or two. And then, they will stay only theirs ", – summarized Vitorgan

Dear friends who read me here, sorry that you turn to YOU! 😉 Here, as far as I know, several programs are being prepared for immediate release (and "Malakhov and other cookies) on different channels, directly or indirectly affecting my person. I know it from friends who rang all week. Some even offered money to participate. And even some publishers have called me to draw in programs or write comment on the portrait. So here is what I have to say: walk and for such a program as a guest or hero, and that I engage in the remarks of a stranger about myself or from someone else, I consider it a shameful thing. I do not condemn anyone: it is sometimes necessary to force or use Telek, so it would be desirable that there is no urine, but the permission is correct. I am happy that today you can not see people very close to me in these programs, which, sorry for the pathos, is incompatible with their internal moral pitch. Everything else – it is just the grandmother at the entrance, locked in the body of a separator shell of various media slow (or not loose – in a particular case). If any of you wish to discuss this issue in any context and with all the estimates, I have to install it – better to fend for myself so that I do not lose of time on the ban. Before the others – normal people – I want to apologize again for having to come back to this topic. Me too, everything is subjective, as you can guess. But this info-road lasts another week or two. And then only their own will remain.

A publication of Maxim Vittorgan (@mvitorgan)

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, it previously appeared to exist in the network evidence that the relationship between the Sobchak-Vitorgan couple had appeared on the verge of a break, as Ksenia distorted a romance with Russian director Constantine Bogomolov. Thus, one of Telegram's channels published articles in social networks Bogomolov and Sobchak, in which Vitorgan also participated, ironically commenting on their correspondence.

After the introduction of open access material, the Russian leader asked the fans not to interfere in the situation.

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