Sophia Rotaru trailed on RosTB


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It has been reported that Rotaru's refusal to go on tour in Russia was due to a sharp escalation of Russian-Ukrainian relations and the creation of a military state in Ukraine at this time.

  Rotaru refused to speak in the Russian Federation / UNIAN photo

Rotaru refused to speak in the Russian Federation / photo by UNIAN

She plays the hit "White Winter". However, Rotaru itself does not seem to be aware of the event. She had her recording of last year, broadcast on "".

See also ] "Order" star: known royalties of Sofia Rotaru and Svetlana Loboda during the New Year's Eve

And "the real" Rotaru was shown at the New Year's concert on the channel Ukrainian Television

According to singer Sofia Rotaru, who recently Fans scared by their health, have canceled their performance on "Song of the Year" in Russia. The actress did not attend the award for the first time, which was visited 43 times.

The information was also confirmed by the son of Sophia Mikhailovna Ruslan Evdokimenko, who said that Rotaru was not the first to visit the song of the year.

It was also reported that Rotaru would not be filmed in "Song of the Year" or in the "Gramophone". In addition, the singer refused to perform in groups in Russia.

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