State of the Union: Joshua Trump, sixth student victim of intimidation, participates as a guest of the President and First Lady


An 11-year-old boy who claims to have been bullied because of his last name – The White House will be one of the guests of President Trump and First Lady of First Lady Melania Trump in the state of the Union on Tuesday announced the White House.

Joshua Trump, a sixth-grader from Wilmington, Delaware, is not related to his father At the head of state, he made headlines last year after his parents went public for tell stories about the abuses they claimed to have been victimized because of his last name.

"They curse him, they call him an idiot, they call him an idiot," His mother, Megan Trump Berto, had then told WPVI, a subsidiary of ABC.

The question has been going on for years, his parents said. They even removed Joshua from school for home school at some point, but decided to enroll him in college with the hope that bullying would decrease.

"He said that he hated himself and that he hated his last name. He always feels sad and he does not want to live like that anymore, and as a parent, it's scary. "Trump Berto said.

Other Trump guests include Grace Eline, a child who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 9; Judah Samet, a Holocaust survivor who experienced the shootings at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh; Ashley Evans, an addict in opioid recovery; Elvin Hernandez, Special Agent, Department of Homeland Security, Trafficking in Human Beings; and Debra Bissell, Heather Armstrong and Madison Armstrong, family members of a Nevada couple who, according to authorities, were killed by an undocumented immigrant.

Melania Trump has made fighting harassment one of her top priorities at the White House – Be Best ". But many stressed the discrepancy between her work and her husband, who regularly uses severe rhetoric and frequent verbal and personal attacks.

Trump Berto did not return a message to his father. At least five students at Joshua Middle School have been disciplined for intimidation-related problems, officials said previously.

The White House said that Joshua was a fan of science, art, and history and that he hoped to pursue a career that had something to do with.

"His hero and best friend is his uncle Cody, who serves in the US Air Force," said the White House.


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