Steam has stopped working on millions of computers


The company Valve announced in 2018 that it will refuse to support the old operating systems of the Steam service because the total number of computers running on their base is 1%. As of January 1, 2019, negative reactions from users claiming to have lost their ability to use the popular gaming platform have begun to appear on the network. Due to the high number of rumors, the developers decided to make another statement.

Valve employees recalled that from January 1st of this year, Steam could be used on computers running Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems. The number of players using them does not exceed 1% of the total, but the language used is only a few million computers. Now, their users can not play any games because the popular game service stops working on these operating systems.

Developers advise users to upgrade to Windows 7 or later collections of Microsoft operating systems. This is the only way to continue playing video games available under Steam. The main reason for the refusal to support the two previously popular operating systems was that they could not support the current versions of Google Chrome, partially integrated with the game's platform. That's why it is simply impossible to implement their support.

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