Komsomolskaya Pravda [19659007TheRussianjournalistAnastasiyaKashevarovanotedinhisTelegramchannelanon-labelinginSurkov'swordsSotheDeputyPresidentwroteaboutasupposedlyfamousquote:"Itseemswehaveachoice"HoweverKashevarovassuredthatbeforetheslogandidnotsoundanywhere
" The sentence in Yandex was noted – "It just seems we have a choice." Reference is made to Vladislav Yuriyevich Surkov, and he says that these are impressive in depth and audacity. the words of today are forgotten and not mentioned. Vladislav Yuryevich, they are still not indexed! Who do they belong to? "- She writes
According to Sergei Dorenko, editor-in-chief of" Moscow Radio ", Surkov has written a kind of oath, which he will undoubtedly be able to invoke. President's assistant had strongly exaggerated the success of the Kremlin and that he was doing all the rest in reality.
"Russia is waiting for all those at the bottom from hell because we have never stopped being a medieval country. with feudal society. We are like a clock that hangs behind the rest of the world for eleven o'clock, so it indicates the time of one hour before all the clocks around, "he wrote.
In the chain of telegrams of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and even stressed the similarity of Surkov's speeches with the arguments of the German leaders during the 30 years of the last century.
"Only" millenarian "The Third Reich with such a philosophy did not last long. What clue, Vladislav Yuryevich? Or, more precisely, who? "
According to OBOZREVATEL, they were envied in Russia before the 1995 column" because of compelling topics that affect the actors.
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