Ukraine's first racquet Elina Svitolina will perform in the mixed doubles Wimbeldon. His partner will be the French tennis player Nicolas May.
In the first round, the Ukrainian-French tandem is waiting for a match against Santiago González and Raquel Atavi. In case of victory, Svitolina will meet the sixth seeds of the tournament – Edouard Roeres-Wasslen and Andrea Sestini-Glavachkova
Read also: Nadiya Kichenok started to win doubles Wimbeldon
Elin left a division of Wimbeldon, leaving room for the German Tatiana Mari. Thus, for the first time, Ukraine lost two fights in a row from October 2017.
Ludmila Kichenok and Artem Sitak of New Zealand will meet in the first round with the Croatian duo Antonio Shancić / Petra Martich. The winners of this match will play with Croatian leaders Mate Pavic and Gabriela Dabrowski of Canada
Read also: Stakhovsky lost in the second round of Wimbeldon
Nadezhda Kichenok and Markus Daniel of New Zealand will participate in the tournament with a match against the French Hugo Nisso and Japan by Suko Aoyama. The dozens of sianites, Colombian Juan Sebastian Cabal and Abigail Spears of the United States, will be the strongest in this confrontation.
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