TAYANNA named her favorites of the national selection for Eurovision-2019: interesting data


On Saturday, February 9, a fierce fight to represent the country at the Eurovision Song Contest-2019 has begun. And although the singer TAYANNA refused to take part in the national selection, she decided to comment on the show.

TAYANNA did not avoid provocation problems by contacting the flagship program "Sity life". So, the singer has said frankly who he sees among the finalists of the national team.

Read also: Not KAZKA: Zlata Ogniewicz was named her favorite in the national election at Eurovision-2019

This is a provocative question. I am in favor of most of the participants because they are my friends. I like KAZKA, MARUV … It seems to me that LAUD is also worthy of victory. Between them, there may be a vote,

The artist also explained why, before the announcement of participants in the show, had refused to participate in the national selection. According to TAYANNA, she already had a song for the competition, but did not want to attend this show from the beginning.

"From the beginning, I was generally opposed to the qualifications, but it was my directors and the producers who coached me." I accepted it. "Over time, we realized that this year we were going to give the power to write a new album, new songs to prepare new clips for the preparation of a solo concert," noted TAYANNA.

What do we know about TAYANNA's participation in the Eurovision Song Contest-2019? In November 2018, TAYANNA intoned a controversial statement: she hinted that the participation had been announced to the National Election Committee and added that it would come to the show, if Andriy Danilka would not be there. All this because the star judge had previously stated that it was by him TAYANNA had given way to Eurovision MELOVIN.

By December, the artist announced the creation of the song of the contest "Eyes". However, unexpectedly for all Ukrainian fans of the Eurovision Song Contest, TAYANNA refused to participate in the National Council, explaining this in a philosophical sentence: "Sometimes the universe does not give something to something not not because you do not deserve it, but because you deserve something else. " In the suspected network that the star just fears for the third time to be a victim of the fact that the popular group KAZKA is involved in the fight.

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