Ten people died avalanches on weekends in the Alps – News from UNN


KYIV. February 4th UNN. Last weekend, the Alps killed at least 10 people. Avalanches caused tragedies. It is reported by UNN with reference to DW.

As it was mentioned, the worst case occurred in the mountainous region of the Aosta Valley, north-west of Italy. There were five dead, another person disappeared following the rise of three avalanches. Rescuers, especially near the Courmayeur station in Valle d'Aosta, searched for two Frenchmen and two Britons who, after skiing, did not return to their hotel. Excavations were stopped in the night of Sunday and Monday morning, the rescuers found the bodies of three people. The search for another disappeared continued. According to local media, the missing skier is a Frenchman

An avalanche in Bolzano, Italy, near the Austrian border, killed an 18-year-old skier and a snow surfer was killed in an avalanche. Italian authorities have reported a high risk of avalanches over the weekend.

In addition, a French skier on a ski slope in Savoie

Another tragedy occurred in Switzerland: Saturday An avalanche in the canton of Bern shot her husband and wife. Her husband died and the woman was recovering at the hospital. And in the Austrian lands of Carinthia, an avalanche shot dead two men aged 30 and 52 – the oldest of them died and the youngest remained intact. At the same time, Thyrol managed to save 10 avalanche stiffnesses between 17 and 59 years old.

As reported by UNN traffic was limited because of bad weather. [ad_2]
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