Tens of thousands of Venezuelans stroll in the open against Maduro: 14 dead in clashes with the police – World


On March 23, tens of thousands of people invaded the streets of the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, demanding the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday, January 23. During the demonstration, the opposition leader, Huang Guyado, declared himself the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

Anti-government demonstrations take place simultaneously in several states. Protesters and law enforcement forces held fighting and Caracas set up armored vehicles

According to the Observer, 14 people died from battles, some of them – gunshot wounds.

Remember that on January 23, Venezuela began demonstrating en masse against President Nicholas Maduro. Leader of the Opposition
National Assembly of Venezuela Huang Guaido has declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly in turn announced that Guaido was acting as president of the country.

The White House announced that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had officially recognized him as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Canada were declared legitimate leaders of Venezuela . Juan Guayado also supported the Organization of American States.

Nicholas Maduro, for his part, stated that had severed diplomatic relations with the United States.

Video The Venezuelan president murdered with the help of a drone

. Explosions rang out during a solemn speech to the soldiers: the drone suddenly hovered in the tribune, which immediately shot down the guards' snipers. When the soldiers started to escape, the broadcast was suddenly interrupted. Maduro was convinced that the opposition and the Colombian president were at the origin of the plague.

  Venezuelan President attempted to use an unmanned aerial vehicle

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