Texas City Councilor Calls Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "Bimbo" After Criticizing Trump


An elected Texas official was severely criticized after calling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (DN.Y.) a "bimbo" for criticizing President Donald Trump's speech on the state of the Union.

Ocasio-Cortez apparently sparked anger. Republican Scott Dunn, a member of Richardson City Council, near Dallas, when she responded to GOP criticism that she was not enthusiastic enough in Trump's speech. She said in a tweet: " Why should I be" bright and warm " for this embarrassment of a #SOTU?"

Dunn tweeted: "The embarrassment is having bimbos like you with nothing between you ear [s]."

After a major backlash, Dunn removed the tweet and s & # 39; excuse Saturday, all his story was gone.

The New York Daily News reported that Dunn had issued an apology Friday on his Facebook page – which has since also disappeared.

"The words I used were offensive," Dunn would have written. "I am responsible for my own words and actions. I apologize to anyone who finds this that I said offensive. "

Dunn told the Dallas Morning News that he had attacked Ocasio-Cortez" for the defense President "and his speech. His Facebook page disappeared after several people who responded to his apology questioned his sincerity, according to the newspaper.

Ocasio-Cortez did not respond to Dunn's insult.

Dunn was attacked for his comments on social networks and by a former member of the city council. Richardson Mayor Paul Voelker said in a statement that he was "extremely disappointed and embarrassed" by Dunn's comments. "I condemn in this way any description made by a woman that would be contrary to Richardson's values," he added.

Ed Rollins, political strategist and Republican campaign consultant, last month described Ocasio-Cortez as "little girl" with a big mouth. Trolls from Twitter are relentlessly attacking his appearance.

Trump blames Megyn Kelly during the presidential campaign of "bimbo" in a retweet after the Fox News host has summoned him to a candidate debate over his insults against women , that he had summoned "fat pigs", "dogs", "bastards" and "disgusting animals." give low notes to bimbo @ MegynKelly will consider other programs! "

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

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