The 26 craziest lines in Donald Trump's Daily Tracer interview


1. "He was a player, you know, you do not see too many players who have money."

Trump refers to Stephen Paddock, the man who murdered 58 people in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017. (The FBI closed its investigation into the shooting earlier this week without giving a conclusion on Paddock's motivation.) Paddock was both a player and a rich man, says Trump. And we're going!

2. "You know, I stayed out of this whole situation for that – because there was no collusion."

What "situation" is Trump referring to here?

The Daily Caller asked him if he felt comfortable with the way his sole adviser Roger Stone was arrested last week. Does Trump mean that he did not comment on this arrest? Stayed away from Roger Stone? Remained outside the investigation on Russia? Of course, he stayed out of nothing, with the exception perhaps of not commenting on Stone's arrest. One thing worth mentioning here too: NO COLLUSION.

3. "I speak for a lot of people who have been very disappointed to see it unfold like this, that it happens where everything was filmed, besides, it was a very, very disappointing scene."

On the question of stone arrest, "disappointing" is a strange word chosen here. To be clear: the indictment that led to the arrest of Stone alleged that he had repeatedly lied to Congress about his contacts with WikiLeaks about stolen mail to Democrats by Russians – and that he had urged other witnesses to lie to Congress about what they knew of the situation. the situation too.

4. "You have 29 people, you have armored vehicles and you have all the others and, you know, a lot of people know Roger, and Roger is not a person they would have to worry about that point I thought it was sad to see it. "

What's remarkable about this – and the fact that Trump, in the following sentence, says that he would consider asking the FBI to consider the use of force when arresting Stone – is that the President has repeatedly asked the law enforcement to be more severe in his dealings with criminals. "When you see these thugs thrown to the back of a paddy wagon, you see them roughly." I said: "Please, do not be too much." nice ", said Trump in a speech delivered in front of police officers in 2017. [19659006] 5." I guess this hoax of Russian collusion far exceeds the $ 30 million and everyone knows that it's a good thing. " is a hoax.They have spent all this money.Nothing.No phone calls, no meetings, no nothing. "

Trump's not so far from the base on the price tag – $ 25 million has been spent for the investigation of the special advocate Robert Mueller since that year. it started in May 2017, according to the latest deposits. Where it is REALLY missing is that the boat claims that the Mueller probe has produced no tangible results. To date, the investigation has resulted in 199 charges of indictment of 37 persons and entities. Seven people pleaded guilty and four were sentenced to imprisonment. One, Paul Manafort, was convicted by a jury composed of his peers. This is not nothing.

6. "You look, and you say, is not it so sad to have devoted this time this energy to – you know, listen, many books have been written right now, including the number bestsellers. one, calling it a "hoax. "

Trump refers to" The Russian hoax: the illicit ploy to eliminate Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump "by Gregg Jarrett. Jarrett is a Fox News personality. Draw your own conclusions

7. "I would say that should be the case after almost two years."

Trump says here that the Mueller probe has already lasted too long. As a background, the investigations of the Special Counsel on the Iran-Contra and Whitewater cases each lasted more than six years.

8. "Deal with crimes or procedures, you know, questions, the answer is different from what you thought and some people say that they have lost memory or lack of memory, which many people can understand also . "

Trump is right to say that to date, all the crimes related to the 2016 campaign that Mueller has uncovered are lies before Congress or federal investigators on who knows what to make contacts between the campaign and Russia. But here's the thing: 1) The investigation is not over yet and 2) WHY WHY are all these people on Trump's orbit willing to lie to the federal authorities about their contacts with the Russians?

9. "I could have taken a very different position, I could have participated in that, I could have finished everything … I could have finished everything." I chose to stay in outside of that. "

Two thoughts here. First, it's not at all obvious that Trump could have "finished" the Mueller probe. Secondly, that's what "staying [ing] out of this one" looks like for Donald Trump, huh?

10. "I had an excellent campaign, I ran a campaign that they thought was better than this gentleman's campaign [Andrew Jackson’s] in the 1800s and we did a great job."

They say that, do not they? (For more information on the campaigns of Andrew Jackson, read this !)

11. "And we got 306 against 223 and that's all." Won says no one thought it was possible to win. "Do not forget the expression," he can not reach 270 "And we exceeded 270."

The 2016 elections ended 814 days ago. This is also an answer to a question of whether Trump is in favor of publishing the Mueller report. Good time.

12. "Paul said with the utmost firmness that," please, sign it and if you sign it, we will send you that wall. " "

Trump, in case you have not noticed, is very, very good at making scapegoats.In this case, he blames former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, to have lied to him about unlimited funding to secure his signature on an omnibus bill.

13. "And then he became lame. And once he did, it was really a salutation exercise and the power was gone, so I was very disappointed. "

Rather than saying" at retirement ", I propose that we say" went duck go "in the future In:" Hey, did Cillizza leave CNN? No, he became a lame duck. He and his wife now live in the Catskills. "

14." I do not want to say that he lied. I think that he probably meant it at the time, I imagine. J & # 39; hope. So, I do not call it lying. "

" This is not a lie if you believe it. "- George Costanza

15." You know, I did many statements, many promises. "

Verification of the facts: true!

16." I will announce the exact figures, but I will have more than one hundred miles of walls built or under construction between nine and renovated. "

As PBS's Yamiche Alcindor noted on Twitter :" President Trump does not stop saying, "The wall is being built . "Checking the facts: This is wrong. No construction was started on the wall promised by President Trump. The president said that he would embark on a "revolution" for the wall at the time of the SOTU and that this did not happen. "

17." We currently have a huge amount of money to build a wall. We build the wall. "

Again, No.

18." I hope she is healthy, I hope she is happy and I hope that she will live very long. "

Trump's answer here to a question about Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court is – may I say it – presidential.

19." Well, I was very religious. "

20." It was said and I do not know if it is true, I would be surprised to know, but many people said that this list was the only one of the reasons I won. "

That's right." As I wrote at the time, Trump's decision to publish a list of judges that he would consider for any vacancy at the Supreme Court was extremely important to rally the conservatives to him.

21. "The world is not well and we are doing very well."

Trump about the world situation: America 🙂 Rest of the world: (

22. "Coach Belichick approved me, do you remember?"

True! And in the form of a letter, no less!

23. "J & # 39; was very happy that he called me to thank him for it I find him with Canada and yes, it looks good. "

Donald Trump is the curator Roger Goodell, pro -NFL So, that's it!

24. "I feel very bad for Louisiana because it's maybe the worst call I've ever seen but I guess that they can not do anything about it, and you could say it, I feel bad for the L ouisiane. "

WAS a terrible call. Second, can I say it?

25. "It seems like Elizabeth Warren did not understand what she thought she was in. That's what we call the Pocahontas trap."

"The trap of Pocahontas?" Is this a Disney movie?

26. "The truth is that there are some against whom I would like to run a lot."

Donald Trump in The 2020 Democrats: "Some I would like to run against." This seems like the right place to stop.

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