The actor of the Swasti series could not come on the scene


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The actor could not come on stage in Tula nor in Ryazan. According to some reports, Fedor Dobronravov would now have a pressure problem. The artist was a victim of a stroke last year, but he did not recover before the end.

  Fedir Dobronravov cancels performance / photos

Fedir Dobronravov cancels performance / photo "/>

Fedir Dobronravov cancels performance / photo m.kino "/>

Last week, the star" Swatov "Theodor Dobronravov felt bad in front of the room in which he was to play Ryazan.

Before the performance, the actor was exerting pressure, he was overwhelmed by the rain. He had been called in an ambulance. the spectators can bet on the tickets, because Dobronravov will not go on the scene, reports StarHit.

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In Tula, where she also had a show to d. first was told reporters that the actor would appear on stage because all the tickets were sold, but 10 minutes before the announcement of the show at the theater: "All actors, except for Dobronravova will be on stage He was seriously ill … "

Close Dobronravova tries not to comment on his health condition" Oh, I did not hear anything about it, "Viktor told his journalist .

Remember that the actor had already suffered last year. He then spent more than a month in a hospital.

The artist Fedir Dobronravov is known for his work in the films "Liquidation", "Radio Day", "Swasti", and at the theater

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