The actress of the series Tatusey's daughter appeared topless


Russian actress Miroslava Karpovich, known for the role played by Maria Sergeevna in the hugely popular "Father's Daughters" series, shared a cute photo on topless on a social network.

Photos of a black-and-white photo shoot published by Instagram

The tugs Karpovich hinted that she was thus responding to hutters, who sometimes blamed her for being too hudorb.

"Journalists write for a few years about the death of anorexia." At least my "Instagram", – quoted the girl MK. [1 9659005] On the photos of a black and white photo shoot, Karpovich boasted of the body's suppleness and tight silhouette. "And what do you do in the morning? Share your exploits!" – she pointed out under one of the photos.

"Courageous," "Beautiful pictures, a good response to fans of critics", "" Oh, the physics teacher is no longer the same, "noted Karpovich under the images. [19659006] The daughter of Myroslava Karpovich's daughter played Maria Sergueïevna Vasnetsova, the protagonist's eldest daughter, as well as a physics teacher in the following seasons, who had practically no clothes Kaminskaya and Victoria Smejukha of Neangles, DJ Nana (Anastasiya Kumeiko), Lesya Nikitiuk, main TV channel M1 Emma D.

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