The Antarctic found mysterious corpses


Scientists have discovered remains of mysterious creatures in samples of Mercer Lake, located under the Antarctic glaciers at a depth of more than one kilometer.

According to the information provided by Nature.

The search was conducted as part of an expedition to Lake Mercer, located 600 kilometers from the South Pole. The experts drilled a well of nearly a kilometer in a crisis and dropped a device that took samples of dirt and water from the lake.

Experts discovered diatomaceous sea shells, arthropod remains and microscopic animals resembling relics. In addition, pieces of plant tissue or fungi have been found. Previously, it was thought that only bacteria could be sampled.

It should be noted that favorable conditions for such a life existed in Antarctica during the retreat of glaciers about 120,000 years ago. Researchers now have the intention of conducting DNA analyzes and radiocarbon dating to more accurately determine the age of the organisms.

Previously, "Direct" had reported that the Egyptian archaeological mission of the Ministry of Antiquities had been found in the archaeological zone of the city of Bir-el-Chagall, that of the two tombs, which belong to the Roman era

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