The assassination of Hashkidji will be investigated by a special commission of the United Nations


The UN Special Commission will investigate the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Hashkhodi in January. Agnes Kalamard, UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, accelerated and arbitrary executions, told Reuters

She said the commission would begin visiting Turkey from 28 January to 3 February.

Conclusions and recommendations, as Kalamard pointed out, Agnes Kalamard, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, accelerated and arbitrary executions, will be represented.

Reuters notes that it is not known yet whether the group will attempt to enter Saudi Arabia.

Read taco: Saudi King held a major reshuffle of the government after the murder Hashokdzhi

3 court January Arabia began to hear about the murder. At the hearing, 11 accused and their lawyers were present.

Saudi opposition journalist, critic of Saudi authorities and Washington Post editorialist Jamal Hashkhodi was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd. His body has not been found yet.

See also: US Senate: Hashkhodsi is responsible for the assassination of the Crown Prince

According to the findings of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, the murderous prince who ordered the Assassination of Hashkhodi Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul, capital of Turkey, in October 2018.

The Saudi authorities denied the announcement of the involvement of Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman, in the assassination that had resulted in international condemnation.

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