The British government defeats the House of Lords as part of its Brexit – UNN operation


KYIV. January 15th UNN. British Prime Minister Teresa May and her government suffer a devastating defeat Monday in the House of Lords, the upper house of Parliament, in connection with the Brexit operation the day before the vote in principle based on an agreement reached between London and Brussels in the House of Commons. UNN .

As reported by the House of Lords of Twitter, the proportion of people voting in a report of 321 to 152 votes in favor of the proposal of Labor MP Angela Smith, who regretted the terms of the report. government agreement and the format of the future.

Thus, the opposition won the government with a majority of 169 votes

Baroness Smith's proposal also invited the House of Commons to "firmly reject" the possibility of a British withdrawal of the EU without an agreement on the terms "divorcing" parties. It was adopted by the upper house, dominated by opponents of Brexit, at the end of a three-day parliamentary debate

EU leaders approved an agreement with the Great Britain on Brexit on 25 November and a political declaration on future relations with London. To enter into force, this agreement should be approved by the UK legislators, as well as by the ratification of all EU countries. Today, in the House of Commons, the British Parliament will vote in principle, in which lower house deputies will approve or reject the government's agreement on Brexit. According to the calculations of political experts, the latest version seems almost inevitable.

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