The Chicago Cubs control the damage caused by Joe Ricketts' racist statements


"Christians and Jews can respect each other to create a civil society, and as you know, Islam can not do it," Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade, said in an email in 2012. " Therefore, we can never let Islam become an important part of our society Muslims are naturally my enemy (our) enemy because of their deep antagonism and their bias against non-Muslims. "

Ricketts' son, the team's president, Tom Ricketts, is excused. in a statement, "the language and opinions expressed in these e-mails have no place in our society".

"These e-mails do not reflect the culture we have worked so hard to build for the Chicago Cubs since 2009."

"I deeply regret and apologize for some of the exchanges I've had in my emails," said elder Ricketts in a statement. "Sometimes I received emails that I should have condemned.Other times, I said things that did not reflect my value system.I strongly believe that sectarian ideas are wrong. "

Here are other links with professional sports franchises whose comments made the headlines:

Bob McNair, owner of the Houston Texans

  Bob McNair, owner of the late Texans of Houston, 2014.
After a former professional quarterback Colin Kaepernick was the pioneer of protests at the national anthem on his knees against what "He called social and racial injustice," complained the owner of the late Houston Texans, Bob McNair. In 2017, he said: "We can not let the inmates run the prison" while discussing the protests at a meeting between owners, team leaders and commissioner of the National Football League, Roger Goodell, according to

In a statement posted on Twitter by the team, McNair apologized later.

"I regret using this expression," the statement said. "I never wanted to offend anyone and I was not referring to our players, I used a figure that was never meant to be taken literally. would never qualify our players or league this way and I apologize to those who offend. " by. "

But McNair apologized a year later." According to, he referred to league leaders when he used the term "inmates" and not "players."
McNair died of cancer in November at the age of 81.

The former owner of the Atlanta Hawks, Bruce Levenson

[19659002] Bruce Levenson, who held the position of managing partner and Atlanta Hawks team A representative of the NBA's board of governors sold his majority stake in 2014 after sending an email that He thought it was "inappropriate and offensive."

In a 2012 email, the franchisee had a hard time attracting richer season ticket holders, Levenson referred to what he was saying. seen around the arena where his team played.

First, he wrote, the spectators were black at 70% Stadium bars were 90% black. There were few fathers with children playing games. The cheerleaders were black. Hip-hop has always shined in the arena. Rap or gospel acts dominated post-game entertainment.

"Then I start looking at other arenas.It is completely different.Even (Washington) DC, with its rich black community, never has more than 15% of black spectators "he wrote.

He did not stop there. In his email to Hawks general manager Danny Ferry, Levenson wrote that before his group Atlanta Spirit Group buys the Hawks in 2003, thousands of tickets had been dispersed, mostly to the black community, so that the arena seems less empty. The distribution of notes continued after the takeover of the Atlanta Spirit Group.

"My theory is that the black crowd has scared whites and that there are simply not enough rich black fans to build a meaningful season ticket base," he said. he writes. "I have never felt uncomfortable, but I think Southern Whites were just not comfortable being in an arena or bar where they were in the minority. "

Although Levenson makes fun of "racist garbage", claiming on fan sites that the arena was an arena. unsafe or in a disadvantaged neighborhood of the city, he also stated that he had "blamed the camera for kissing being too black" and demanded "white cheerleaders" and "music familiar to a 40-year-old white man".

The former general manager of the Atlanta Hawks, Danny Ferry

The former Hawks general manager, Danny Ferry, was also targeted by racist statements in 2014.

The comments concerned the player born in South Sudan Luol Deng and were

"Ferry talked about the benefits of the player, then described his negatives, stating that he" had a bit of African in him. No bad way, but he's like a guy who would have a pretty store on the front but would sell you fakes from the back, "said a letter from J. Michael Gearon Jr., a minority owner Hawks.

The general manager also described the player "as a liar and a two-faced cheater," says the letter.

"We were appalled by the fact that anyone who would make such a racist insult in any circumstance, let alone as the GM of an NBA franchise during a major conference call. […] Ferry's comments were so out of bounds that we fear that he was putting all the franchise in jeopardy, "wrote Gearon.

Ferry later apologized for his" insensitive remarks ".

"I repeated comments collected from many sources during substantive conversations and research on different players," he said in a statement issued by the Hawks.

"I repeated these comments during a telephone conversation about the process of selection and release. These words do not reflect my opinions, nor the ones I would use to describe an individual, and I certainly regret it. "

In September 2014, Ferry took a leave of absence from the team.

[1965 Donald Sterling, former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers

] Former owner Donald Sterling of the Los Angeles Clippers was banned for life from the NBA in 2014 after revealing inflammatory statements he'd made during a recorded conversation with his friend V. Stiviano

In a 10-minute audio clip posted by TMZ, Sterling was reprimanding Stiviano for posting online photos of her with African-Americans, including Earvin "Magic" Johnson, a member of the Hall of Fame.

According to TMZ, Sterling made the comments during an argument with Stiviano, who is partly African-American.

"In your infestable hogwash Instagram, you do not have to." you do not need to be black-eyed, "he said, 19659002]" If e are the whites, is it good? "asked Stiviano, according to the recording. "If it was Larry Bird, would that make a difference?"

In another record released later, Sterling, a married lawyer and billionaire real estate investor, explained that he was jealous that Stiviano was with black men.
"The girl is black, I love her, I'm jealous that she's with other black people, I want her, so what the hell can I tell her privately, you know: "I do not want you to be with someone?" "According to RadarOnline, Sterling said in the new cassette.
In May 2014, Sterling told CNN that he was sorry for what he had said, but that he felt" baited. "

" When I listen to this tape, I do not even know how I can say words like that … I do not know why the girl did me these things. "Did you say that you were put in place?" Anderson Cooper from CNN asked.

"Well yes, I've been attracted," he said.

said Sterling. "I mean, it's not how I speak. I never talk about people. I talk about ideas, etc. I'm not talking about people. "

The former owner of the Cincinnati Reds, Marge Schott

  The late owner of the Cincinnatti Reds, Marge Schott, with the former director Lou Piniella in 1990 in the spring

Margin Schott, owner of the Reds from 1984 to 1999, was known to use insults to refer to African-Americans, Jews and LGBTQs according to
In the 1990s, Major League Baseball suspended several times Schott for racist and controversial remarks, before finally giving up the franchise
The MLB struck her with a one – year suspension and a fine after that. she was quoted in 1992: "Hitler was good at first, but he went too far", s elon the Society for American Baseball Research.

In 1996, she was again suspended after praise for Hitler and insults addressed to Americans of Asian and LGBTQ descent, SABR reported.

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