The City Council of Arizona unanimously agrees to remove the razor wire from the border wall and will ask the federal government to remove it


While Congress and President Donald Trump continue to fight for a wall on the US-Mexico border, an Arizona city has decided to modify the one that has already been built.

On Wednesday night, the Nogales, Arizona City Council unanimously passed a resolution calling on the federal government to remove all the accordion wire located within the city limits. reported Associated Press . If the government refuses the request, the mayor of Nogales, Arturo Garino, announced that he would initiate legal proceedings.

Garino said he is concerned about the appearance that the wall gives. On Wednesday, Garino told KVOA TV that barbed wire is "the type of wire you would see on a battlefield, in a war zone or in a prison," said Eric Fink reporter.

"Aesthetically pleasing – that's not it. It's very bad. It's not good for business, nor for what we're trying to create, a business-friendly community here in Nogales, "Garino told AP .

A Michigan couple visiting the city echoed Garino's. KVOA earlier in the day.

"I do not believe it's necessary on this side of the wall and having razor wire – they already have a big wall, why do they need something more?" , Asked the husband, who has not been identified. [19659002] In recent months, the United States Customs and Border Services have added barbed wire to the wall, so the structure is almost covered. The photographs of Nogales International have six rows of wires superimposed along the two-storey wall.

According to a CBP spokesperson, the extra thread was added "to strengthen support in high-risk urban areas." AP, spokesman said. "The spokesman also said that the new wire was added outside the boundaries of the city of Nogales and that, in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic, the wire was only placed in the upper part of the city, the wall for safety.

While Nogales is a city of about 20,000 inhabitants, the city of Nogales (Mexico), which has more than 214,000 inhabitants, is located on the other side of the wall, and Garino's concerns, he said, extend at

According to the AP the city's economy relies on cross-border trade and Mexican buyers.

The installation of additional wire rolls border city in the southwest of United States has been the most notable change, the president continues to demand $ 5.7 billion to build a border barrier. About 660 miles from the US-Mexico border already have some kind of artificial barrier, most built after 2006.

On Sunday, the president tweeted that an additional 3,750 troops would be deployed at the border to install more accordion-wire . Of the latest deployments, 6,000 soldiers will work to help CBP at the border.

"As caravans travel through Mexico and make their way to our country, Republicans must be prepared to do what is necessary to strengthen border security.The authorities are doing nothing." Trafficking in people, drugs and Criminals of all sizes – KEEP OUT!, "Trump tweeted Sunday.

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