The commander of the Venezuelan Air Force called for a rebellion against Maduro


In Venezuela, the commander of the Air Force, Francisco Janez, called on the army to rebel against President Nicholas Maduro

after Liberty Radio.

General Francisco Janez, commander of the air force, called on all the country's armed forces to rebel. against the official president of Nicolas Maduro

"The people of Venezuela, 90% of the Venezuelan armed forces are no longer with a dictator, they are with the people of Venezuela," said Yanis in a video broadcast on social networks.

However, in response, the command In the official tweet, the UPU accused the general of treason in public.

Jannes became the first Venezuelan Acting General to recognize Guaido after the opposition announced the re-election of power in the country on Jan. 23.

Meanwhile, Juan Guadino has already been recognized as acting. the interim president of the United States of America and a number of other states of the world, among which most of the countries of Latin America. As expected, the following recognition will be announced by a number of Member States of the European Union, others will support it without formal recognition.

In addition, the United States imposed widespread sanctions on Venezuela's state oil company, currently controlled by Maduro, which then weaken its power. Washington has also given Guaido control of Venezuelan government and central bank holdings in the United States.

At the beginning of the year, Maduro became Venezuela 's official president for the second term following the results of last year' s election, unrecognized by the opposition and by a large part of the government. world. On January 31, Italy became the only country to vote against the EU compromise proposal to recognize Venezuelan President Huang Guaydo at the meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Bucharest, thus blocking the decision.

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