The crisis in Venezuela: numerous demonstrations, Maduro's elimination attempt and reaction of the international community – World


The United States and several Latin American countries have already announced their support for the opposition Juan Guaydo, interim president. President.

In Venezuela, on January 10, the inauguration of the president was organized by Nicolas Maduro . He became president of the country for the second time, after the elections of May 20, 2018. The CEC of Venezuela announced the victory of the current president who obtained about 70% of the votes. Thus, Nicolas Maduro served his term as President of Venezuela until 2025. This marked the beginning of unrest and attempts to change power in the country.

Context of the Crisis

During its first cadence, Maduro turned Venezuela from one of the most promising countries in the region into an economically backward state, in which freedom of speech and freedom of speech were the key factors. opposition were suppressed. the international community imposes sanctions.

In five years, Venezuela's GDP has fallen by 45% and inflation by 2,007,563,646%. The country is increasing the minimum wage almost every month, but by devaluing the currency, it is now rising to about US $ 10.

Due to difficult social conditions, nearly 3 million people have already left the country. In 2018, emigration has accelerated considerably – about 5.5,000 Venezuelans leave each day. According to UN forecasts, the total number of emigrants from Venezuela could reach 5 million by the end of the year.

Position of Neighbors

After Maduro's victory, declared by the CEC of Venezuela, most of the countries of South America, the United States and even the country's parliament declared that it was not the case. they did not recognize him. legitimacy of the president. Countries that did not recognize the victory recalled their ambassadors from Caracas and the United States introduced additional economic sanctions and asked to hold new elections .

Venezuela was moved by mass demonstrations. The country's parliament, which is now run by the opposition, has recognized Maduro as a "usurper" and has called on the countries of the world to freeze the Maduro government's access to the accounts of foreign banks. The parliamentarians were the sole legitimate leader of Venezuela, the president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaydo, 35 years old.

The culmination of events

Hundreds of thousands of citizens responded to the appeal launched by the opposition to oppose the current president in the streets of Caracas. The first meetings took place in 2017, but the security forces managed to quell the riots. Then at least 100 people died. The demonstrations again reached unprecedented speed: hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets and, according to preliminary data, at least four people were already dead.

  Protestations, Venezuela

Associated Press

However, the events began to unfold more than quickly: Opposition party leader Juan Guaydo declared himself president of Venezuela, l & # 39; 39; National Assembly said Guaydo Acting President. The United States immediately recognized their legitimacy. The corresponding statement was made public by the White House.

  Juan Guyado, Venezuela

Associated Press

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in turn, called on Maduro to transfer power to the young opponent. "The Venezuelan people have long suffered from the destructive dictatorship of Nicholas Maduro and we urge Maduro to leave his position to the legitimate leader, which demonstrates the enviable will of the Venezuelan people," said the US Secretary of State.

Several other countries have joined the United States: Canada, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Costa Rica.

Juana Guaydo also supported the Organization of American States. The head of this organization, Luis Almagro, wrote on Twitter, addressing the Venezuelan opponent: "You are fully grateful to want to restore democracy in the country."

Maduro supporters have an opinion different: Mexico and Russia. In particular, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Council of the Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, has called the US policy towards Venezuela to intervene in the affairs of a sovereign state. "All current US policy regarding Venezuela, especially Trump's latest statements, constitutes a direct and arrogant interference in his internal affairs," Kosachev said.

Mexican Foreign Ministry spokesman Roberto Velasco also voiced his support for Maduro. "The Mexican government still recognizes Nicolas Maduro as president of Venezuela," said the official.

In turn, Maduro has already reacted to what is happening in the country: he accused the United States of attempting to commit a coup, announced the termination of diplomatic relations with the United States , given 72 days to US diplomats to leave the country and called Guaydo unconstitutional President

Next Steps

Now everything depends on the army, and what decision will be made by its generals: side by side in Maduro or support the forces of the opposition. The mass clashes have already stirred the streets of Caracas. Protesters began throwing stones and bottles at the National Guard. The Venezuelan National Guard retaliated with tear gas.

The media has already received initial reports of a massive transition of military police and militarized police in Caracas alongside protesters. Trump, in turn, said that he did not rule out any scenario regarding Caracas. The United States is probably ready to provide not only political support to the Speaker of Parliament.

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