The current of consciousness: what Yanukovych spat and what he announced


"Meena was thrown like a loha", but I "feel good" and "I move" because "I'm not in any of the Interpol banks." Viktor Yanukovych in Moscow was thus confused with simple words answering the questions of the Ukrainian correspondent of UNIAN, Roman Tsimbalyuk

. And our legitimate "ashtray" Yanukovych did not tell jokes to reporters about prosecutors. Sailing on the fairy and suzhir, he has spread the truth and love to Ukraine from Russia. The fugitive also campaigned for the laws of God and the grace of God, advising Ukrainians not to sell their souls – something probably knows it. We are happy to come to the polling station on March 31 and vote for new faces!

Read also: "I am kinilu as loha": the explanation of Yanukovich for which Russia has not signed a peace treaty with Ukraine

New faces within the Ukrainian authorities. .. Help me now – for whom exactly did our fugitive president campaign ? Who are these "new faces" in us? No, no, Zelensky's name, he did not openly name it. Similarly, he did not answer the question of whether he liked the soap opera "Servant of the People".

And who Yanukovych was not ashamed to call a name – it is about Petro Poroshenko. In particular, he repeatedly called his liar and businessman. Legitimate is satisfied with the strong opposition of the present President of Ukraine and, by the Holy Spirit, he urges the Ukrainians not to allow Poroshenko to resign for a second term.

If I believed in the conspiracy theory, then: I agree with Yanukovych in Moscow, that would not be desirable.

An hour and a half, our last victim was drowned. And I was forced to listen, because I needed it at work. Honestly, he paused several times – it was simply impossible to resist this primitive stream of Yanukovich's consciousness. Until now, I have not answered the simple question: how could we have chosen this debb to become a leader of the nation?

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