The director of "Avatar" recounted who stars joined the film's sequel


Golden Globe winner and actress Emmy Edie Falco, known for the series "The Sopranos Clan", will appear in the sequel to James Cameron's science fiction film

The director himself shared the information on his Twitter account, Espresso. .TV

Edi Falco will appear in "Avatar 2" and "Avatar 3". The actress will embody General Ardmore, who works for a natural resource development company.


Sigourney Weaver, Sam Worthington, Giovanni Ribizzi, Zoe Saldana and Steven Leng also starred in the sequel to the cult film. In addition, Kate Winslet, Cliff Curtis and Una Chaplin will appear on the ribbons.

Each film will be a separate story with a separate storyline that together will be a great story. In general, in the next 5 years, there will be 4 extensions of the movie "Avatar".


  • The filming of the four plays was parallel. Currently, the second and third parts are taken completely. "Avatar 2" will appear December 18, 2020, "Avatar 3" – December 17, 2021.
  • James Cameron also announced that he was considering taking another photo of the popular franchise.

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