The divorce of Ani Lorak: new details


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Ani Lorak has filed a petition for divorce in the register of court decisions.

  Ani Lorak / sotsec

In the Shevchenko district court of Kiev was scheduled the examination of the application Ani Lorak / social network

In a case concerning the divorce of the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak with her husband Murat H Alchemyoglu appeared in unexpected details.It turned out that the couple just had not come to court and the statement had been surprisingly gone from the register of court decisions.

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So, the hearing should have been held on Monday, December 24, but no one reported it, no matter how things went.

Later, the register of preliminary rulings disappeared and the statement was commented. A lawyer whose last name is kept secret, reports "Obozrevat Spruce."

"A court order could disappear from the register if it took the statement or reported that it had signed the world. Probably, it was as follows: Ani and Murat sent lawyers in their place, who told the court that they were not divorced.So they just did not come at the meeting, they should be transferred, and Lorak and Nalchiagioglu should have been warned, the process would be considerably delayed, "he said.

Previously, it was reported that the hearing in the Ani Lorak divorce case still with her husband, but neither Ani nor Murat have appeared in court, and if we can still explain the lack of Lorak – the artist is actively turning and is busy turning "Voice" Russian, so why not come Murat, who lives in Kiev, is unknown.

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