The Ecumenical Patriarchate presents the tomos of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church – Diffusion


The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in his residence in Phanar, Istanbul, will present today the tomos of autocephaly to the predecessor of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Metropolitan Epiphanes.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and President of Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubi will be present in Ukraine

Radio Liberty follows live the events of Istanbul

The official visit to Istanbul took place the day before the 5th of January. ecumenical patriarch's signature by the Ecumenical Patriarch

  Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signs the tomos of autocephaly on behalf of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (ECU). The Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine, Epiphanius, stands to his left. Istanbul, January 5, 2019

The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signs the tomos of autocephaly on behalf of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (ECP). The Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine, Epiphanius, stands to his left. Istanbul, January 5, 2019

The Ecumenical Patriarchate blessed the creation of a unique local canonical autocephalous Orthodox Church in Ukraine (PCU), independent of the Russian Orthodox Church, held at Kiev Cathedral on December 15th.

In addition: 40 communities of deputies UOC-MP (deputies) have already gone to the CCP – Radio Liberty Infographic

Previously, the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate had also withdrawn the anathema ( the curse of the church) imposed at some point at the head of the UOC-KP and the UAOC, and then returned. and bishops and faithful subordinated to them. Canonical communion with orthodoxy of the world. In addition, the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate has annulled its former decision, which Moscow mistakenly interpreted as an alleged transfer of the Moscow Patriarchate to the ecclesiastical subordination of the historic Kiev metropolis.

After the Cathedral of Unity in Kiev on December 15, and the establishment of the local Orthodox Church of at least 40 Ukrainian communities Orthodox Church (the Moscow Patriarchate) ) announced its intention to move to a new structure.

Tomoso officially endorses the CCP's autocephalous auto status as one of 15 local Orthodox churches. world. After that, the process of recognizing the new church will begin with the rest of the local churches – which, according to observers, might take some time.

All the steps to get the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canonical Autocephaly and independence vis-à-vis the Russian Orthodox Church, and in particular the unifying cathedral, provoked extreme events. a strong reaction in Russia, as well as in pro-Russian structures in Ukraine.

According to observers, the establishment of an independent church in Moscow and canonically recognized, and in particular the expected transition from the current UOC (MP), is a price. food before the loss of Moscow by an important lever of influence on public life in Ukraine.


  The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with packets of chocolates from the Roshen factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur.

Ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew with candy packets from Roshen's factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur. "Although the Russian church accuses me of taking money for this autocephalous, I did not take money, but a lot of candies and chocolates from there. Plant, Poroshenko, "said Patriarch Bartholomew. After that, he distributed candies to the children who had come to charm in the residence of the patriarch. Istanbul, December 24, 2018

The Ecumenical Patriarch signed Tomos on behalf of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

The Cathedral's Filaret, Its Epiphany Rivals and the blackmail of the KGB

of the Parliament concerning the change of name of the UOC deputy in the Russian Orthodox Church

The UOC deputy of Crimea blesses the invaders who defend Russia and sanctifies their weapons

The UOC (MP) helped to prepare Girkin annexation of the Crimea – SBU

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