The EU ambassador to Russia made a demonstration of Ukrainian sailors on 31.01.19 Direct


EU Ambassador to Russia Marcus Ederer made an official statement to Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko because of Ukrainian prisoners in a Russian prison. The meeting took place on Wednesday, January 30th.

"The ambassador recalled the well-known EU position on the continued detention of Ukrainian military by Russia", reads the statement of the representative of the EU.

The response points out that the EU expects from Russia that it will seize 24 Ukrainian sailors seized, as well as respect for their rights to legal protection and unhindered access to consular staff.

Brussels also calls on Moscow to give injured seafarers access to adequate health care. And the use of force by Russia was again described as "inappropriate" on 25 November.

For its part, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the EU interpreted the meeting in a different way.

In his statement, it was pointed out that "the situation in Ukraine in the context of the violation of the Ukrainian border" Russia in the Kerch Strait on November 25, 2018. "

In Moscow, they would also that the EU "takes a principled approach to gross violations of human rights, discrimination against national and linguistic minorities, as well as manifestations of neo-Nazism and violence. Anti-Semitism in Ukraine "

Democracy is a classic instrument of diplomacy, namely the declaration of the government or diplomatic authorities of one state to the government of another state in order to make known its position, to protest, etc.

Recall that the lawyer Mykola Polozov stated that prisoners of war captured by the Russian Federation in the Kerch Strait may be sentenced to six years in prison.

November 25, RF border battles led aggressive actions against three ships of the navy of the Ukrainian armed forces during the transition from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol Azovsky the seas In particular, the Russian border ship has towed a tugboat. Six Ukrainian sailors were injured as a result of a collision with the FSB RF border forces in the Kerch Strait

In addition, 24 families of Ukrainian prisoners of war received cash assistance from the USSR. an amount of 100,000 hryvnias

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, said that the preparation of the submission to the Russian Federation was already completed by an act of aggression against the Ukrainian sailors.

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