The EU commented on the ban on Russian citizens to observe elections in Ukraine


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In the European Union, Ukraine was to ensure that the observation mission of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. OSCE man be able to control the elections in accordance with established practice.

  The Council has banned Russian citizens from official election observers / photo UNIAN

The Council forbids Russian citizens

A spokeswoman for the European Service for External Action, Maya Kosienchicz, said during a briefing in Brussels, a video of a statement of the Verkhovna Rada on the ban made to Russian citizens to observe the elections in Ukraine

published on the website of audiovisual services of the European Commission.

She was notably questioned about a law passed by the Ukrainian parliament forbidding Russian citizens to be observers in elections in Ukraine.

"How do you know Ukraine is facing well-known security problems since 2014 and, in this regard, we fully support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, "Kosianchic said.

Read also Poroshenko satisfied and Smiling Suprun: how the Council adopted the amendments to the Constitution on the course of the EU (photo report)

"As that the European Union, we attach great importance to election observation conducted by the OSCE / ODIHR and convinced that Ukraine should provide said that the ODIHR had the opportunity to conduct its election observation in Ukraine in accordance with established practice, "said the spokesman of the EU.

As reported UNIAN, on February 7, the Verkhovna Rada banned Russian citizens from being official observers in the Ukrainian presidential elections Ukrainian deputies and local elections. 232 People's Deputies voted in favor of the Law on Amendments to Certain Ukrainian Laws on the Control of Electoral Processes in Ukraine (No. 9524)

The Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights from the OSCE, Inghiborg Solrun Gisladottir, said he was disappointed with the decision of Ukraine. Parliament to ban the Russians to observe elections in Ukraine. She pointed out that the ban on Russian observers from taking part in the election observation mission in the presidential election was contrary to Ukraine's commitments vis-à-vis Ukraine. OSCE and its member countries.

On February 6, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine pointed out that he would not accept any application for a Russian citizen's passport for registration. official election observers in Ukraine. The department said the refusal to register Russian passport holders does not contradict Ukraine's international obligations in terms of free and democratic elections.

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, promised to give an order to the border guard service of the Republic prohibiting Russian observers from participating in the Ukrainian elections in 2019.

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