The explosion of Magnitogorsk: what we know and the reasons for the collapse of towers


In the Russian Magnitogorsk just on New Year's Eve, an entrance sank in a multi-storey building. As a result, 39 people were killed and more than a hundred remained homeless. The search for missing persons under the rubble is over. Tell us the details of the incident and its cause.

What happened?

Early in the morning of December 31, the entrance of a ten-story house collapsed in Magnitogorsk (Russia). According to the updated data, 25 apartments were completely destroyed, where 46 people lived.

See also: An explosion at Magnitogorsk: rescuers have completed the operation and reported the number of bodies found

Under the rubble of the building, the body had already been found [deathde including six children. Two other people have disappeared. There are also six victims, including five people, including two children, in medical institutions.

Two local schools were equipped with two temporary accommodation facilities that can accommodate 1,450 people.

People bring flowers and toys to the scene of the tragedy

There is a threat of collapse on the site of the destruction of the buildings, so the inhabitants who want to make choices. valuables apartments or pets, inside to run on time. Four entrances to the house are closed.

The rescuers miraculously managed to save an 11-month-old boy lying a day under the rubble. His condition is heavy but stable.

Watch the video while the lifeguards found a baby in the rubble:

Due to the collapse of the building, the investigation committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case. according to the article "Death by negligence for two or more people".

In addition, on 1 January, an explosion occurred on a shuttle bus in the center of Magnitogorsk – three people died. The Interior Ministry of the city said that a gas cylinder had exploded in a minibus. However, several Russian sources alluding to sources indicated that the two events – an explosion in a high-rise building and an explosion in a minibus – are linked. Thus, an explosion in a house could constitute a terrorist attack and the sound of a shootout would have been heard on the bus.

A shooting in the center of Magnitogorsk (the video contains an abnormal vocabulary):

Possible causes of tragedy

the cause of what happened is the explosion of gas domestic . Other versions, including the terrorist act, are not taken into account.

The explosives did not detect any explosive traces on the spot, and the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky, urged the Russians not to believe the rumors of a terrorist act.

Wait for the comment and avoid spreading the rumors. . Do not believe this rumor. This is a series of circumstances that seem externally related, but in general everything is different. Traditionally, everything else,
– he explained

However, the experts assume that the Russian media might not be able to propose a version of a terrorist attack . All of this looks like the events of 1999, when explosions erupted in three Russian cities – Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinak. More than 300 people were killed and over two thousand wounded.

Read also: Terror or gas explosion: RosMMI unveiled its version of the events of Magnitogorsk

According to analysts, the special services, especially the FSB, are at the origin of the tragedy of 1999. This helped to increase the rating of Putin, who has just been appointed successor to Yeltsin, and to prepare the Russians before the Second Chechen War (accused of having organized the attacks that they called the Chechens).

This story can be used to adopt another law. Limit, for example, the quality of use of the Internet or something else. As always, various terrorist acts are used to strengthen the control of the population,
– the reporter Denis Kazanskyi

The emergency dispatching service "Gazprom gas distribution Chelyabinsk" has in turn indicated that complaints regarding the smell of gas or other problems at the work place the gas equipment of the home residents has not been received. The company added that all the networks met the regulatory requirements.

Are there any foreign victims?

After the explosion of Magnitogorsk, the Russian media have published lists of residents of the house with whom there is no link. Among them was a citizen of Ukraine . However, later, the Deputy Director of the Department of Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vasyl Kirillich, specified that the woman was of Ukrainian origin but did not have Ukrainian nationality.

We still do not know the status of this woman, as if she was under the rubble of the house.

Yes, on the list of 35 inhabitants, there is the name of the native Shepetovka (Khmelnytsky region), Tetyana Antipova, born August 29, 1986

.  Magnitogorsk
List of missing persons having published the media

It is known that because of the obv Lu died building family of citizens of Tajikistan wife and her three minor children. Their bodies are being prepared to be sent to their country of origin. The head of the family is resuscitated in difficult conditions

A 36-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan was also buried under the rubble – he is in intensive care and undergoes major fractures

Reaction of the authorities of the Russian Federation

to Magnitogorsk declared NA regime and January 2 declared day of mourning.

On December 31, President Vladimir Putin, Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny Zinich, Head of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Veronika Skvortsova, Head of the Government of the Russian Federation Russian, Alexander Bastrikine, went to the place of the NP

Read also: "Do not Believe": The Russian governor spoke highly of the explosion of Magnitogorsk

[19459003[Putin ordered the establishment of a government commission to eliminate the consequences of the NP and expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and urged the Russians to remember the New Year's Eve of their victims and victims of the tragedy.

Ho perhaps to turn to our citizens … Despite the holidays, it is now necessary to remember the dead and the victims, to note oneself in the soul,
a he declared.

Russian media also reported that Putin had introduced the injured teenager, the family who remained without an apartment or laptop.

In the Urals Federal District, after what happened mass tests on gas networks take place . However, on his arrival in Magnitogorsk, the chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on Russia, Alexander Bastrikin, said that he was not sure of the speed of inspections of gas equipment in the city .

"You know how our country manages gas equipment, it's old, it's often needed Since the month of May, no one has entered the apartments of this house and all the apartments have not been checked There were many people on vacation, and in September, October, November? "- said the head of the SC

The authorities announced that they would provide apartments and provide all the necessary people who would stay without housing

What is waiting for the victims?

The relatives of the victims will receive for 1 million rubles (more than 400 000 hryvnias), victims of serious or moderate harm to health – for 400 000 rubles (160 000 UAH), which suffered a slight damage to health – 200 000 Rubles (80 000 UAH)

More than a hundred of people were left without housing

In addition, as a result of the loss of basic necessities and families living in their own three-room apartments or under social contract will receive 500,000 rubles (200 thousand UAH) , in two pieces – 400 000 rubles (160 000 UAH), in one piece – 300 000 rubles (120 000 UAH).

In addition, punctual material assistance per person will be 10,000 rubles (4,000 UAH). For the 31 500 rubles (12 600 000 UAH) to allocate to the organization of funeral of a person.

At the expense of the victims of the Magnitogorsk explosion, 7.1 million rubles (nearly 3 million USD) were spent.

Humanitarian Assistance to Victims

Authorities in the Chelyabinsk Region, who took apartments in a destroyed building, will provide dormitory accommodation or rent allowance for an amount of 15,000 rubles (6,000 rubles (6,000 USD)).

It is planned to divide the house where the explosion took place – the remaining part is inhabited.

Psychological help was also provided to the victim – specialists The line of special assistance (psychologists) has already provided support more than 2,700 times to the victims of the Magnitogorsk accident and their loved ones.

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