The famous American skater will perform under the song of the Ukrainian group (VIDEO)


Photo courtesy of instagram / johnnygweir

Three-time American figure skating champion Johnny Weyr prepared a new program for the song "Plakal" of the Ukrainian group KAZKA .

The Stoghari portal informs

The video training of a 34-year-old American champion has published on his official Instagram page the KAZKA group.

"The ice cream has changed!" As never before, KAZKA has come close to figure skating, and all thanks to the true legend – triple American champion Johnny Weir, "commented the musicians.

Earlier, Johnny Weyr was trained under the direction of Ukrainian coaches Galina Zmiyivska and Olympic champion Victor Petrenko.

Remember that the Ukrainian group KAZKA was recalled breakthrough in the world of music.

Source UATV
date Jan. 24, 2019
category Culture
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