The government's closure ended after only 10 air traffic controllers stayed at home


The absence of these few workers – six in northern Virginia and four in Florida, figures not previously reported – temporarily interrupted travel to New York's La Guardia airport and resulted in delays in other major hubs, especially in New Jersey and Philadelphia. and Atlanta.

In many workplaces, 10 people calling sick people would not dramatically interrupt a day's work. But these controllers are highly qualified for a specific function and can not be replaced easily.

For the aviation experts, the impact that these controllers calling patients had had in a few hours was not surprising.

"Ten people causing major air travel Problems seem quite reasonable, especially considering the towers they work in the busiest areas of traffic," said Peter Goelz, analyst of at CNN and former General Manager of the National Transportation Safety Board at CNN.

Slowing air traffic in some of the busiest airspace in the country and making a stopover at New York's LaGuardia Airport due to a "slight increase in the number of sick days in two facilities of air traffic control affecting New York and Florida, "said the agency at the time. The FAA refused to confirm the exact number of absences when CNN contacted this week this week.

Six air traffic controllers from the Washington Control Facility in Leesburg, Virginia, and four air traffic controllers from the Jacksonville, Florida facility were called sick this Friday morning, the second day missed full day off for federal employees and contractors.

"Some controllers told us that they were sick at the Washington Center, our big center en route, but also in Jacksonville, and that they occupy a lot of airspace in the Northern Corridor -Is ", Paul Rinaldi, president of the National Air. Traffic Controlers Association, told CNN

The Jacksonville and Washington Air Traffic Control facilities run two busy air traffic zones in the country, along the east coast. Air traffic controllers ensure that aircraft remain at a safe distance in the air, land and take off safely. They also watch planes while they taxi and at airports.

Due to the interconnection of aviation, a problem in one of the busiest areas of the country can have a widespread training effect – and this is what happened. After the FAA resolved its personnel problems on January 25, the remaining delays continued throughout the day.

"The system is surprisingly sensitive to any disturbance, and once the disturbance has begun, it can impact the system and have a greater impact than one could imagine," Goelz said.

Beyond the highly specialized nature of work, the number of air traffic controllers is at its lowest level in 30 years. There is therefore no group of controllers that can easily replace people called patients. Moreover, according to Rinaldi, air traffic controllers are not allowed to work more than 10 hours a day, six days a week.

"The air traffic control system is already exhausted due to the aging of the controllers, which are not being replaced in numbers, this allows us to keep the system expanding," said Goelz. "So, if you add to this understaffing on a shift, you'll see a substantial training effect."

A few hours later, as flight delays continued to accumulate, Trump announced that he would open the government until February 15 – even though congressional Democrats and Republicans Had not reached a compromise on the financing of the border wall requested by Trump.

While 10 Air Traffic Controllers Appeared, Breaking Point for the White House The shortage of TSA personnel at some of the largest airports in the country also played a key role.

Prior to this Friday morning, the White House had maintained with shipping agencies, including the Department of Transportation, to discuss the consequences of the closure. on commercial aviation, information that has contributed to the transaction that has temporarily ended the closure of the government, according to a source close to the discussions.

what would happen with regard to commercial aviation if this stop continued, said the source. Second, the White House found that air traffic control staffing issues were causing significant delays at several airports in the northeast.

Trump's aides, his outside political advisors and his allies at Capitol Hill, worried about major theft problems. would amplify the blame that Trump was already facing the judgment. They also thought that major disruptions in air travel would increase the pressure to reopen the government without unlimited funding.

No one alleged that the January 25 air traffic controller appeals had been coordinated, and NATCA did not support any organization. coordinated activity that could disrupt the national airspace.

Rinaldi stated that the union did not tolerate or endorse any federal employees participating in or endorsing a coordinated activity affecting the capability of the national airspace system or other activities. undermining the brand image of professionals The reputation of the men and women we represent. "

But Rinaldi said the costs were too high.

" Many controllers have reached the breaking point of exhaustion, stress, and worries engendered by this closure, "said Rinaldi. ] In another possible halt of the government in less than two weeks, Rinaldi worries about his workforce.

"They feel undervalued, demoralized, and I use the word" traumatized, they are traumatized ", said Rinaldi. "They had a traumatic event and we never need to do it again in our national air system."

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