The Judiciary Committee of the Senate advances shortly the appointment of Barr; goes to the Senate for a confirmation vote


The Senate Judiciary Committee narrowly advanced the appointment of William Barr to the position of Attorney General Thursday at a party line vote, referring this decision to the entire Senate, which should confirm it as the law enforcement officer of President Trump.

Twelve Republican senators the committee voted to advance Barr's candidacy, while 10 Democrats voted against.

Barr, 68, served as Attorney General from 1991 to 1993 under the late President George HW. Bush will be the second full – fledged Attorney General of the Trump administration. Trump fired former Attorney General Jeff Sessions of the Justice Department in the aftermath of the 2018 midterm elections. Matthew Whitaker was appointed Acting Attorney General.


The confirmation hearings of the Barr Senate ended last month. But even then, some Democrats said Barr had said he would exploit legal "loopholes" to hide the report of Special Adviser Robert Mueller to the public and resist the subpoenas against the White House.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Said Thursday that he would vote "no" on Barr's candidacy because he "has not committed to making public the findings of a special counsel and is not committed to Mueller's public testimony ".

Democrats and many Republicans have stated that they thought Mueller's final report should be fully published. Barr said that it would be as transparent as possible under the regulations of the Department of Justice, noting that the regulations stipulated that the report should remain confidential, requiring only that the report explain the decisions to prosecute or refuse prosecution , which could be as simple as a brief presentation. list, or a report of hundreds of pages.

"I do not know what – in the end, what will be published. I do not know what Bob Mueller wrote, "Barr said at his audition last month.

After his confirmation of hearing last month, Barr revealed that he had discussed the issue. Mueller's investigation with Vice President Mike Pence, while asserting that he does legal counsel to the White House, nor any confidential information from Pence. Barr also defended a note that he had sent at the Ministry of Justice last year who criticized Russia's investigation, explaining that it was narrow in scope and based on potentially incomplete information.

Mr. Barr did, however, said: "it is of vital importance" Mueller will be able to complete his investigation of Russia.

"I think it is in the interest of all – the President of Congress and, more importantly, the American people – that this issue be resolved by allowing to the special advocate to carry out his work. work, "said Barr. "The country needs a credible resolution of these problems. If confirmed, I will not allow partisan politics, personal interests or any other inappropriate consideration to interfere with this investigation or any other investigation. "

He adds," I can assure you that when judgments are to be rendered by me, I will render judgments solely on the basis of the law and will not allow any personal, political or other abusive interest to influence my decision. "

Mr. Barr also asserted that he had known Mueller for decades, that he respected him and that he should be allowed to do so."

"J & I have the greatest respect for Bob and his outstanding record of public service, "said Barr." When he was appointed special advisor, I said his selection was "good news" and that, the knowing, I had confidence in him to handle the issue properly.I still have that confidence today. "

WHO IS WILLIAM BARR? 5 things to know about the potential Next Attorney General

Barr also told senators that Trump had not asked for any assurances or promises before naming him.Trump called the Russian inquiry a "witch hunt", but Barr defended Mueller's work

"I do not think Mr. Mueller would be involved in a hunt for witches, "said Barr during his audition.

Trump complained that Sessions, throughout his tenure as Attorney General, was weak and did not protect him from the investigation conducted by Russia. The sessions recused themselves at the beginning of the investigation, prior to Mueller's appointment, because of his involvement in the 2016 Trump campaign.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, in turn, oversaw the investigation and appointed Mueller as a special advocate. Rosenstein is expected to leave his position at the Department of Justice in the coming weeks.

However, Mr. Barr has extensive experience in law enforcement, even going beyond the post of Attorney General of the Bush administration Sr. During this administration, Barr exercised the Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, overseeing the Office of Legal Counsel, and covering work ranging from the fight against violent crimes to investigations into the bombing by Pan Am 103. According to his biography , Barr also coordinated anti-terrorism activities during the first Gulf War

Before joining the Department of Justice, he worked for a year with White House domestic policy staff under President Ronald Reagan. In the 1970s, Barr worked for the Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst and deputy legal advisor. While at the CIA, he studied law at George Washington University.

Andrew O'Reilly of Fox News and the Associated Press contributed to the writing of this report.

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