The Kremlin propagandist said that the camps will be built in Ukraine


Scandalous Russian propagandist Eugene Popov said that the change of name of the streets in Ukraine was supposed to be the only first step towards turning the country into a "Nazi"

which displeased all Ukrainians to wear the German uniform and build concentration camps. Inappropriate reflections Popov shared an air of "60-minute" propaganda program on the television channel "Russia 1" (watch a video, bring the page back to the end)

  Yevgeny Popov

Yevgeny Popov [19659006] Screenshot of the video

"From the street first, then school, then the city, then start wearing SS stamps, then whips, and then start the camps of concentration, then fight, that's all! " – he exclaimed while urging the zealous Russian public that Ukraine "Nazism" is really flourishing

According to OBOZREVATEL, former propagandist of Crete A proposal has made a noise because the chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios check the polygraphic residents outside the control area of ​​Donbass in terms of cooperation with the "L / DNR". The voices of the Putin regime have expressed their intention to create filtration camps for the inhabitants of Donetsk and even threaten to physically destroy them.

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