The largest bird in the world | News about



  Vorombe titan
Vorombe titan

British zoologists have identified a new genus Vorombe titan whose representatives were the largest birds Once inhabited the planet. They lived in Madagascar. This is the site of UY Scuti.

Most birds died about 1,000 years ago, probably because of human activity. Although reports of Vorombe titans birds appeared until the mid-eighteenth century

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  Vorombe's titan in comparison with human growth
Vorombe's titan in comparison with human growth

"They were the most important in the history of evolution of the island of Madagascar , perhaps more than lemurs, because large animals have a considerable impact on the ecosystem in which they live: they control vegetation, consume plants, distribute biomass and seeds, and still suffer from the disappearance of these animals. birds ", – said the zoologist Ja my Gansford . [19659014] ×

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