"The last woman who resisted": the star of the iron throne bids farewell to the role | Express


The 21-year-old actress, Macy Williams, supported the idea of ​​Emily Clarke and decided to replace it with the image of the scene. also say goodbye to the filming of the cult series "The Game of Thrones".

A cute photo of sneakers, blood spotted from Macy's shooting area posted in his Instagram.

"Goodbye Belfast Goodbye, Aria Goodbye" The Game of Thrones "What a joy it was with me This is what my adventures have provoked," says Williams in a farewell story about the series

At the touching words of Arii Stark's role performer, she added hashtags with the words that she was "the last woman to stand up." Four years. "[19659004]
Macy Williams bids farewell to the intriguing photo of "Game of Thrones"

Fans respond to its publication and add that they are looking forward to the 8th season final of the series. they can not believe at the end of the story of the battle of thrones and kingdoms She adds that she "spoke" the series or did not understand what the actress meant with this picture .

By the way, Macy Williams has played the role of Arii Stark since the 1st season of the "Game of Thrones", since 2011. In the second season Recall that the Hollywood actress Emilia Clark, who played the role of Daynernes Targarien in the popular TV series "The Game of Thrones" announced the end of the shoot. saga On her Instagram page, the star noted that her colleagues in the series have become her family, so Emily would miss the scenes.

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