The leader of "Antitheli" said he would publicly support Zelensky


The soloist of the Ukrainian group "Antityla" Taras Popola asked if he would publicly support some of the candidates for the Ukrainian presidency. He also confessed that he was thinking of musical performances in support of politicians in general.

Taras Popola stated this in an interview with the program "World Life"

. you, she ", whose producer Volodymyr Zelensky has become, and calls Zelensky Taras Topol on tour for his support.

" I will certainly support one of the presidential candidates. I will do it when I come to the polls. and secretly put a tick in the cabin ", – replied the artist.

The leader of the group "Antityla" also admitted that on the eve of the elections, he was constantly invited to support a candidate. Poplars said group members only support those who impress them.

" One year before the vote, negotiations are under way." The antibodies "are denied to the political forces that do not suit us internally.All about the" block of opposition ", the" Party of Regions ", I remember" Iatyu of all these people … Some any of them have corrected and somehow try to blame the company, but the majority continues in this way, and this is not exactly the case with such "Antibodies". They offered triple fees, but with us it was not works ", – explained the singer.

Remember that the name of Zelensky" Illegal Campaign "in Nunavali: the servant of the people responded resolutely to the reproaches.

As indicated the portal "", the favorite of Zelensky pleads for the Ukrainian music: it is a kind of savagery. The Ukrainian popular group " Antitheli "was sued because of" tone of songs. "

In addition, wrote that Zelensky had announced what he would do immediately after the electoral victory.

See: Antibodies and Zelensky, soundtrack of the movie "Me, you, him, her"

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