The letter to Santa Claus was found in 120 years


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The letter to Santa Claus was written in 1898

In the United Kingdom, found a letter written by a child to Santa Claus 120 years ago

The letter was written by Marjorie, a five-year-old girl from the city of Eastbourne, in the south of England. , a ribbon and a ball for his favorite cat, Kittens

The letter was dated December 2, 1898. He spent more than a century in the book. He was found when the book was taken to a non-profit store.

He was exposed in a showcase of the Canterbury Toy Store.

Lily Birchell, whose father found the letter, said that he would like to find the descendants of the Marjorie family and return them. letter

Lily, who works in a bookstore, believes that it would act as an excellent Christmas present

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  • Children's books for the Christmas atmosphere

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19659003] In a letter of December 2, 1898, Marjorie asked Santa Claus to send You give him some toys for her and her favorite cat

The problem is that little about Marjorie knows nothing, if it is that she lived on the street of Ennis Road in Eastbourne.

Lily and her father tried to find information about the inhabitants of this street, but it seems that this part of the city was bombed during the war and rebuilt completely.

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