The level of carbon dioxide increases record


Each year, natural carbon sinks, including forests, absorb most of the carbon dioxide generated by human activities from the atmosphere. However, due to the increase in temperature in the tropical Pacific this year, plants and trees have declined, resulting in decreased rates of atmospheric cleansing.

That is why scientists say that by the end of 2019, air pollution by carbon dioxide will be more intense than in the past one year reported by the BBC

An observatory of research based in Mauna Loa, Hawaii, from 1958, continuously monitored and controlled the chemical composition of the atmosphere. During the observation period, scientists recorded a 30% increase in the concentration of CO2 in the air. This is due to deforestation and the use of fossil fuels. It is also argued that this value will be even higher if the soil, forests and seas do not absorb half of what mankind has released into the atmosphere.

The activity of nature depends directly on the seasons. In summer, the level of CO2 in the air decreases because trees and green plants absorb more gas as they grow. In winter, when no leaf is found, the level of carbon in the atmosphere increases respectively. But if the temperature exceeds the norm and the climate is drier than usual during the hot season, plants and trees grow more slowly and less harmful gases are absorbed. Events related to the atmospheric phenomenon of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean have a particular impact on the process of self-purification.

Chris Jones, an officer of the British Meteorological Service, said: " The warming of surface marine waters will last several months, resulting in a vegetative reaction with different effects around the world. for example, natural growth is reduced . "

The Department noted that such effects reduce the absorption of carbon dioxide by plants. For this reason, its amount in the atmosphere at the end of the year will be 2.75 parts per million, which is significantly higher than in 2018. According to scientists, in 2019, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere will be highest for all years of observation.

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